Thursday, April 28, 2016

buildings and landmarks

The tbuilb
stohalf human half lion great sphinx of giza  is one of the largest statues in the wold. its mammoth head towers higher  than a 6- story building in front the great pyramid of  giza  near cairo egypt   historians believe the sphinx was believe the sphinx was built to honor pharaoh khufu between 2558-2531bce. they also say the sphinx originally had a beard but it crumbled off its nose was broken off on purpose but no one know who did it or why. 

4,500 years later archaeologists dug up another sphinx not in the Egyptian desert  but on the california coast this statue was made of plaster  not limestone. It was one of 21 model sphinxes built in hollowed for a 123 .movie.  The ten commandments and shipped in pieces to the movie set on the coast. When production was over  the producer buried the whole set in the sand to avoid playing shipping cost back hollowed. 1n 2014

archaeologist   carefully removed pieces of heavy but  delicate plaster sphinxes buried on california  beach for more than 90 years.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

where does all the dada go?     

as  the  internet  continues   to grow and our  live  become ever- more digital  we need infrastructure to store and process all that dada That's where data centers  come in These huge facilities are the physical location of the "cold" home to the servers the drive the internet .currently  the largest data centre (single building ) is the lakeside Technology in Chicago lllinois  use above with a area of 1.1million sq  ft (102,193m2).The largest data center  complex is the switch supernap  in law vegas nevada  usa right with floor area  of 2.2million sq ft (204,386m2) spread over several  buildings across the city.


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

I  what lugst eight. I what doctor oz on new away from you . I what can student on new tip cat on the car. on may 3th all to the farm with  friends.  

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The want doctor oz oz you brain with a friend  of doctor oz  the use new to in out of plant and heathly new away.   

Thursday, April 14, 2016


in 2o21 jason DeCraies  Taylor (uk) completed the silent evolution a group of 450 figures sitting 8m (26 ft3) below  the surface national marine  pack off Mexico s Yucatan  based on a cross section of local people and  made from sand cement silicone  fiberglass the sculptures  help to promote recovery  of nearby  natural reefs.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Friday, April 8, 2016

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...