Thursday, March 8, 2018

your amazing brain

inside your body's you carry around a three pound (1.4-kg) mass of wrinkly  material in your head  that  controls every single thing you will ever do. from enabling you to think learn create and feel emotions  to controlling every blink breath and heartbeat  this fantastic control center is your brain in is a structure so amazing that famous  scientist  once called it the most complex thing we have yet discovered  in our universe planning  ahead speech smell memory and learning hearing touch movement sight balance and coordination  what take up two thirds of your brain  weight and allows you to swim eat and speak the huge hunk of brain called the cerebrum  it definitely the biggest part of the brain. The four lobes of the cerebrum house the centers from memory the senes movement and emotion among other things. The cerebrum is make up of two hemispheres the  right and the left each side controls the muscles of the opposite side of the body. The 30 second memorize as many of these pictures as you can cove the pictures. Now get a pencil and pictures  of paper write down the pictures you remember. how many did you get right. looking at  pictures actually  helps your brain  to remember better short term memory also  called working  memory relies heavily  on the visual cortex. words that are read are processed very quickly by our brians . They don't stick around for very long. But  recording a picture in your brain takes longer.The more time spent looking at the picture the better the memory saying a word out word then it does to red it that's  why you remember it better  when you say it aloud. The lesson when you are doing last minute cramming  for a test look at pictures  and speak thing out loud your memory and test score will thank you. your short term memory can hold only about seven thing at one time.

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