Sunday, June 25, 2017

fastest time to crush three watermelon with the thighs

olga Lishcuk  (ukr) whose greatest ambition is  to become the world strongest woman crushed  three  watermelons in 14.65 sec on 26 jun 2014. asked what drew her to this record she said  i thought it may be easier than other strength records but it turned out to be very hard indeed.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

highest lightning death toll

an aviation nightmare became a tragic reality on christmas eve 1971 when laksa flight 508 was brought down by lightning while flying over the  amazon. Of  the 92 people on board only one survived  17,year -only juliane kopeck  (deu; pictured above.) incredibly not only did she walk from the crash with on more than a broken  collarbone and  few cuts but she also endured the  perils  of the rainforest of  10 days before she was discovered.   

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

super size squid

The giant squid camera shy until recently no one had ever seen this creature alive scientists he'd been able to study  only  a few body parts washed up on shore hauled in by fishers or found in the stomach of a whale. But in 2006 japans  scientists were able to catch a giant squid. The  squid was about 24 feet long. untortunately  in died soon after the scientists brought  it to the surface . Gint squid are  the largest invertebrates  in the world (invertebrates are animals without backbones ) They average about 33 feet in length and weigh about  440 pounds one was 59 feet long and weighed nearly 2,000 pounds     giant squid eye are about 10 inches across makeing  them the biggest peepers in the animal kingdom. Their eye are larger than a human head large eye allow the giant squid to see in the dim ligh The t of the ocean depths.  a giant squid once attacked a submarine in a science fiction novel that is Twinty  thousand leagues under the sea was  written by jules verne in 1869. In one scene in the novel a  submarine  named the Nautilus runs into a giant squid. The sea monster attacks sailors and the sub but it is fought off by the crewmenbers  and their captain Nemo. a giant  squid has a sharp beak like mother  it eats fish shrimp other squid and sometime even whale like other squid  the giant version has eight arms plus tow longer tentacles that are used to bring food to the mouth the arms and tentacle lined with suckers cups that can grab and hold onto prey. The colossal squid might  be larger than the giant squid  only a few have ever been found but scientists estimate in  can grow as long as 46 feet with a wider heavier  body than the  giant squid.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


sport stacking  moves so fast it's hard to tell what's happening. players orange 12 lightweight plastic cups by building pyramids and breaking them down in a particular order. There are age divisions from 4 years and younger to 60 years. Who are the best at this sport. Here how it stacks up ; The  fastest stacker are kids in the 11 year-old division.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

oldest manatee in captivity

snooty  (b.21 jul 1948) was aged 67 year 254 day as of 31 mar 2016. snooty was brought  to the south florida museum in bradenton florida use as calf in 1949. he lives in a 60,000 us -gal 230,000 liter pool  with  tow other  manatees  snooy  longevity owes much to the facts that he lives in a controlled environment. In  the wild factors such as algal blooms boat strikes and fishing debris see most manatees die before they  reach  the age of 10.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

tallest tropical rainforest trees

above the  canopy of rainforest  is the emergent layer  comprising  a small  number of very  large  trees. The tallest is the kapok tree  (ceiba pentandra ) with grow to 60 m (196ft)  at  a rate of  around  4m 13ft per year. Is  can be found  mainly in southern mexico the southern amazon  west Africa.

Friday, June 2, 2017


dolphins can hear  sounds underwater from 15 miles (24km) away.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...