Wednesday, January 29, 2020

you are there north yungus road bolivia

feeling brave. hop on a bike and ride down Bolivia's north Yungus  road if you dare. Dubbed the world's   most dangerous road, this 40 mile (64-km) route attracts thousand  of Mountain bike a year who make this  risky ride  for bragging rights and unrivaled views of the amazon rain  forest. Descending 11.000  feet (3,33m) from the snowcapped ands to the rain forest  cyclings navigate the dirt and gravel road which narrow to just under 10 feet  (3m) at some points. And with no guardrails along the side of the road there's  nothing  keeping traveler from tumbling  down the cliffs. form called book national geographic kids almanac.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


The spacex  big falcon rocket bfr will be the most powerful rocket in history capable of carrying  up  to 100  people at time to the moon mars and beyond and back again. The spacex bfr is made of two part the starship people carrier and super heavy launch rocket starship  super heavy . The spacex dragon is a reusable spacecraft built to carry cargo and  and from the international space station  it make its first full  flight on october  8 2012, and returned to earth 20 day later. spacex  crew  dragon make its first unmanned test flight in march 2019, it designed to carry up to seven crew members into earth  orbit and bygone. like the earlier  dragon it can be refueled and flown again. form called 50 things you really need to know flying machines   

Monday, January 27, 2020

Thursday, January 23, 2020


maybe  you should stop look for a  pot of gold and  just appreciate the rainbow. form pinterest

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The lost skull

bones found is  submerged Mexican  cave give clues about  the  first Americans diver Susan bird cleans the  skulls  with a brush. A man  once dive more than 900 feet  (274m) underwater  without  an oxygen supply. caused by dropping  sea levels erosion. Over time  sea levels rose  again and water flooded the  cave burying Naia for the  12 millennia. A Link to the past  by  examining bones  and  Other items found nearby teeth  experts  ran DNA  tests to assess  that Naia  is a direct ancestor of presentday  Native Americans. Naia,s  DNA  also  matched with people native to Siberia a prat of Russia. Scientists have thought that ancient people from  this region crossed to North America  on land  exposed between  what  in new  Russia and Alaska  during  the  last ice age.  They were the first humans to inhabit the Americas and Naia proves how  far south they went .Today Naia,s  skulls is in a lab.Researchers are still studying here skull to lean about  early Americans so she can continue to shed light  on past.The water in which naia was found helped preserve her skull. The yucatan peninsula has 2,500 maya ruins. In 2007 a team scuba  divers swimming of  Mexico,s yucatan  peninsula came across an eerie,  but exciting find Deep within an  unwatchable cave in a chamber the size of  two basketball courts was the oldest couple human skeleton ever found it the Americas . These ancient remains hold  clues to ultimately reveal new  things about the first people to live in North  America. A jaw Dropping find  experts suspected the remains belongs to  a teenage girl who lived in the last ice age some 12,000 years ago.  They  named  Naia  after a sea creature  in Greek myths and  assessed that  she likely died after falling into a large hole. from a called national geographic kids  almanac.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


learning  something  new 
causes the brain to grow 
more connections  among 
the neurons 
with  more connections 
the   neurons  can  send 
and receive  more 
these connection 
help to stretch a 
part of your brain 
and make it more 
elastic so that it can  
hold more information 
and ideas 
from  Pinterest

Monday, January 20, 2020

10 facta about the human body

1. brain cells live longer than all of the other cells in your body . 2 The more you concentrate  the less you blink. 3 your teeth are harder than your bones. 4  some people can her their eyeballs moving. 5 it is not possible to tickle yourself.  6 you can buy fake eyebrows and eyelashes made out  of real hair . 7 fingernails grow  faster than toenails.  8 your  heart  beats about 100,000 times each day. 9 your  foot  is about the same length as the distance below  and wrist. 10 the saliva you produce in your lifetime could  fill nearly  30,000 water bottles  form a called national  geographic  kids almanac 2020.  

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...