Saturday, February 29, 2020

luxury living underground

during the cold war that started after world war II and lasted through the  1980s, many  people  in north America and Russia (then know as the USSR) were convenient  that a nuclear war was going  to happen and the world would  become  uninhabitable  because  of radiation poisoning. some people  believe by building  home  undergrad they could survive the initial nuclear attack and with  until the worst of the radiation had dissipated before emerging from their safe havens to rebuild society.  In Las Vegas a tow bedroom home is hidden eight meters(twenty six feet ) below ground underneath a normal looking house in  the suburbs. The underground  house  has a false sky a swimming pool a putting green and  a barbecue  disgusting as a massive  boulder.  A sophisticated  ventilation and air purification  system is meant to  keep  the atmosphere breathable even after a desaturates attack and of  course there is lost of room to store canned   the goods water  and other food and supplies in case it isn't safe to venture above ground. Even if  a global  disaster is not on the horizon  there are many advantages to building a home partially or completely underground  Temperature contour is easy with an  underground home. In the summer thing tend to  stay cool and in  the winter the warmth stored in the ground ground during the hot months gently warms the interior  some homes that are built completely underground become almost invisible  and it possible  to use  the roof (which is actually at ground level) to increase the space available for growing food crops. light floods into a well designed buried home through light  tunnels and by taking advantage of slope to build many windows  into downhill  facing walls. From

Friday, February 28, 2020

celebrate the earth

celebrate  the earth  with  me
the oceans meadows mountains trees
I'll  celebrate the  earth with you 
the flowers people creatures too 
let celebrate  the earth  together 
new green  grass exciting weather 
celebrate the earth  with me 
lets share delight in all we see  from pinterest

Image result for earth

Image result for earthImage result for earth        Image result for earth


growth mindset lessons about the  brain using the book your  fantastic elastic brain  by joaann  dean ph d and a walk in the rain with a brain  written by Edward m hallowel  m d . from Pinterest   

Thursday, February 27, 2020

zeroing in on zero waste

porirua  is one of many zero waste communities  in New Zealand.  Zero waste  communities   aim  to create as  little  waste as possible. For  some people  that sounds  like a silly goal how could  we  possibly live  without waste  but many  believe that  zero waste is the  only  goal we should have. After all when we  think about say driving safety  on the road we airmailing for 100 percent. why not aim for the best when it comes to our environment to my friend   Chris and susannah  run an urban form here  in Victoria. They've  got  chickens ducks bee fruit tree and  rows and rows  of vegetables. Friends and neighbor  stop by regularly to admire the garden chat feed the chickens or dump vegetables scraps  into one of several buckets that Chris set up along his fence. all these scraps turn into  scraps  turn into compost  that keeps the vegetables coming up every month of the year.  kitchen scraps form neighbors keep this garden lush and  productive.  people  around  the world have adopted the zero  waste lifestyle aiming to  reduce   aa much a stoppable the  items they throw away. 29mokara/ from trash talk

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


these  mediations completely  changed my approach to  getting heathy  the free  program helped me build a solid foundation and  I get  to dive deeper into   my meditation practice every   day now that I own practice every  day now prefect health After  each meditation   I fee legs per happier and more  energetic than ever before.  from  computers 


reduce reuse recycle 
reduce reuse recycle  
this is the way we save our 
reduce reuse recycle 
from Pinterest 

Monday, February 24, 2020


i have fun my friends  game of 20 question  and yard waste and recycle  and trash. from iads fo school. 


 what part of you body has the moust bones lest here it for your hands and and feet. The  bones there are part of your  skeleston the fromen...