Thursday, January 27, 2022


the tree shape I blew
from a  little drone of paint 
look like a dancer. 

from computer 

Monday, January 24, 2022

 sometimes the blessing of this 
wold became  som 
much for Gerard 
that the only thing 
he could think to 
do was 
climb into a 
hot air balloon 
and go throw 
flowers into the 
from computer 

Thursday, January 20, 2022

random acts of petty day

 4 random way to celebrate day

1. make up tune and turn favorite poem  into a song preform  it for your family.

2. write a perform  from an interesting point of view for  example imagine what a fork would say  about being in the dishwasher.

3. research  some poets and read their  poems try to memorize a poem you like. 

4. challenge yourself to write a short poem and share it with a friend.

5.  (word form a poetry is use)  what kind of tree has pomes on a poetry what hand is best to write  poetry with  neither you should use a pencil.

from called book almanac  of fun 

Monday, January 17, 2022


being curious can  help the the planet  Fri every five things you look up using this google like  search  eying  Oceanhero  is  able  to  help stop one plastic bottle from ending up the ocean  they use many earned  from  site ads to pay people to collect garbage on beaches and other locations. from called book The week junior. 

Friday, January 14, 2022

Martin Luther

sonnet for a king this January day was set aside to celebrate the birthday  of a man a gentle man who bravely  lived and  did too soon but  left a challenge and  a plan he  was a man of strength  and  grace and will who stood for honor character and grit a man who sough and fought for freedom till  he gave his life in faith in faith defending it. he had a dream of hope a dream that we though different in creed belief and race  could live as friends in peace and harmony and make the world  a better place hold fast to dreams together we must striver to understand and keep the dream alive.  The line hold fast to dreams is from the poem dreams by Langston Hughes.  from  called book  2022 almanac of fun. I  did it with my friends  on Monday  from CNN 10 on Martin  Luther .

Saturday, January 8, 2022

gint rubber duck spreads joy

 a 25 foot tall rubber duck with the word joy on it appeared a harbor  in Belfast  Maine with no explanation everybody loves it a town official said. The duck disappeared mysteriously  as arrived as it arrived but  someone claiming responsibility fro it sent a letter to town officials  saying the ducks purpose was to bring people together and joy. from called book the week junior.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

 sometimes the 
blessing of this
world become so 
much fro Gerard
that the only  thing 
he could think to 
do  was 
climb into a 
and go throw 
flowers into the 
 from  computer 


Monday, January 3, 2022

wonders of the reef

explore the underwater world  of great barrier  reef through  the eyes of a baby pufferfish. Scientists  and filmmakers teamed up on this new  documentary which  uses advanced technology to provide a view of creatures that are too small the human eye to see. from called book the week junior. 


 what part of you body has the moust bones lest here it for your hands and and feet. The  bones there are part of your  skeleston the fromen...