Tuesday, March 29, 2022

 let me tell you how the same world 
you told me will keep  on spinning 
somehow stopped for  a week  straight 
when  you told me those three words 
and how it sunn right back 
two year after 
you said there more 
Francis arevob there. 
from computer 

Saturday, March 26, 2022

stress sttressed tip

 1. a healthy  lifestyle 

2. exercising

3. relax

4. sleep

5. talk with others

6.  take one step at a time

7.  be  real 

8.   it okay  to say no 

9. from computer  

Thursday, March 24, 2022

can't see their
wings they
can't see how 
truly beautiful 
they  are but 
everyone else 
can people 
ane like that as
we unknown 
from computer 

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

awesome April challenge

1.   I am awesome 
2.   Embrace new beginning 
3.   We are all beginning in the beginning 
4.   I am different so what
5.   just  doing my best 
6.   I got my  this  
7.   be your own inspiration
8.   I am my lean 
9.   Smile and push through 
10.  I can do it 
11.  Learn from your mistakes 
12.  Start where you are are 
13.  Participate in your lite 
14.  Wake up happy
15.  There alawys tomorrow
16.   I will reach my 
17.   Create a lite you love 
18.   Say  yes to new things 
19.   SelfI doubt sucks 
20.    I have  a special gift 
21.    Fill your day with than now 
22.    No  better time than now 
23.    Get clear 
24.    Dance your worries aways
25.    Do what matters 
26.    Design your life 
27.    Grow at your own pace 
28.    Yes I will follow  my dreams 
29.    Shoot  for the moon 
30.    Fear doesn't  bite 
31.    from computer 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022


 change can be scary but know 
what  even scarier allowing 
fear to stop  you from 
growing evolving and 

Monday, March 21, 2022

 butterfly sharts as on leg
as on egg on as egg
lets see waht happens next 
caterpills  hatches out 
hatches out haches out 
let see whrat happens next 
chaerpillar gobbles leaves 
gobbles leave gobbles leaves 
lets see what hppens next 
caterpiller grows and sheds 
grows and sheds grows and 
sheds lets see what happens next 
it becomes a chrysalis chrysalis it 
becomes a chryssailis let see what happens next 
butterfly comes out at las out at last butterfly comes out at last 
and then it flies away. from couture  


Sunday, March 20, 2022

pushing for change

 by the time she was 16 Kelley  brooks Simoneaux had traveled the us as a competitive tap dancer in 2001 a car accident  caused a injury to her spine paralyzing half of her body. today she is a lawyer who advocate for people with disabilities  in 2018  and uber driver denied here a ride because of here of here wheelchairs. after learning  that  his  had happened to others she  started capaging wheel2ride to make ride share platotm motr accessible  simonrsux  motto is keep pushing and she says I have ever stopped  Kelly  brooks simoneaux.  from called book the week junior 

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

 I zoom on with friend on Helen Adams  Keller  she  learned words in day she went to school she  went around  39 states she sold books on life. 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

a noble soul

 st Patrick was a noble soul 
and he was brave I know  
I wonder just how he made those snakes 
Turn their tails and go 
He loves Ireland  aways and ever 
and Ireland loved him  too 
I guess the whole world kikes st Patrick 
I know I do don't  you. 
from the computer 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

tige got to hunt

 Tiger got to hunt 
bird got to fly 
man got to sit and wonder 
why  why why
Tiger got to sleep 
bird got to land 
man got to tell himself he understand. 

from called book nature poetry 

Saturday, March 5, 2022

learget recycled plastic sculptures (supported )

in 2018 to  bring attention to the issue of plastic pollution the Monterey Bay  aquarium  (USA) created a life size bule whale made from plastic trash (including milk jugs detergent bottles and toys) collected from the San  Francisco Bay Area . The whale measured 25.89m (84ft11in)long as verified on 26 Nov 2018 in San Francisco  California  USA. The largest sculpture  from pet tags is Sun Spot right created from 90,000 stainless  steel dog Id tags in 2011 by artusts laura Hadde and Tom  dragon (both USA) it was commissioned for the Development  Animal  Shelter in Colorado USA on 22 sep  2018 Zuny in culture and tourism  Development  group ( CHN) presented a Triceratops diosaur made from 10 different kinds of vegetable (far right) in Chishui  Guizhou province China  The   14.13m(46-ft 11-in)and 5.4-m tall (17-8in) veggie saus us Saurus is the largest mixed vegetable sculpture. from Called book Guinness world records 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...