Wednesday, April 27, 2022

teen artists success

 xeo chu 14 year old vintneamese artist  make  his London  debut  recently  after having solo exhibitions in Vietnam  Singapore  and new  you city. Chu  is known for his  colorful abstract painting which have sold for more than $150,000 and  have been compared  to those by American  painter Jackson pollock. Chu has said he said he loves nature and has even har even harvested nice in rural Vietnam to find inspiinspiration for his paintings of rice finds and terraces. He has created over  300 works of art and donated more than $500,000 to charity. Xeo Chu. from called book the week jonior .

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

higest school ever

 between 1986 and aug 2017 a small primary school was located at an altitude of around  5,022 m (16,476ft)in pumajiangtangxiang township it tibet China. It s students drawn from the local nomadic Community numbered around 100 at the time of its closing issues  included extreme cold lack of supplies and low oxygen levels in the air affecting pupils concentration.  from called book Guinness world records. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

a little bit of poetry

 A tiny book of poems by famous author Charlotte  Bronte is going on sale $.1.25 million after was found in was an old textbook while growing up the 180s Bronte  amd here  sibling created dozen mini manuscripts a book of Rhymes went  missing more  100 year ago. writen when she was 13 years old it is 15 pages long and smaller than a playing card it like a mouse has been writhing this said one scholar. the poke size poems. from called book the weed junior.

Monday, April 18, 2022

 because the dawn 
must f be breaking 
the sleepy globe

and so I bask 
in this golden glow of grace 
nising faithfully  
day after day

it will not pause 
because light  and dark
exist to make us seek
and live lives of fearless  faith . 

from computer 

Thursday, April 14, 2022


 Arbor Day makes me think of forests 
and a green tent spreading overhead 
ardor day makes me thin of boughs 
where the wee brown birds are put to bed.

I think too of the cool deep shadows 
with violets in wet black  soil 
labor  day makes me think of travelers 
resting after a day of toil. from computer 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

what going on

  this type of trick photography is sometime  called  forced perspective  because how you see things in a photo is  not  how they would  appear  in the real world. Heres how it works focus your eyes on faraway objects while holdind your hand up in front  of you.  your  hand will look blurry.But if you focus on your hand instead the faraway object will look blurry. This  tells your brain that the two objects must be far apart. but when both objects are in focus as they are when you take a photo your brain is fooled If thinks the two  objects are the same  distance away but with very stange sizes. from called book national geographic  kids . 

Thursday, April 7, 2022

one handed backflips

 not many people can perform muitle back handspring but this man can com plate 36 of them using just one hand mama mofokeng holds the record for most consecutive back handspring on one hand he also hold records for back handspring with alternating hands and interlaced  hand makes senes mofokeng  been practicing gumnasticts since he was 10 year old. from called book national geographic kids 

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

the wind pome

 The  wind went
tugging at our shirts 
catching at our coast and hat 
slapping at our skirts 
racing  us and chasing  us 
home to our front door 
where we shut it out because 
its manners were so poor
form comptuer  

Monday, April 4, 2022


 I think I hear spring  pprings peepers
spring  peepers  sing songs 
of a millión  jingle bells 
than they fade aways 
from called book 
haiku hike 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...