Monday, June 27, 2022

wallking with 4 left feet

 you probably don't reemeber the day you learned walk. But you can bet  it was exciting to put one foot in front of the other and  cross the room. luckily we have only 2 feet to move.what's it like to have 4 legs like a horse or 6 like an insect or 8 like a crab If we peole number our feet 1 and 2 walking is just 1 2 1 2 for a hourse it's trickier. with front left / right feet 1 and 2 back life /right  3 and 4 a hourse'as steps are 3 1 4 2 then 3 again. an insect walk cylce mixies it up.the very back left and very front left step at the same time as middle right leg.Then on the next step, the back right  front right  and middle left all step together . In what order does a card or spider move its legs. let's find out how they keep from tripping over themselves. who has more legs a houres with  4 ladybug  with 6 The  ladybug  with 6 legs has more  If a houres step are 3 1 2 4 then 3 again to repeat which foot takes the next step after that see if you remember the pattern foot  1 which foot take the 11th step foot 4. if a crab steps with all 8 legs before  repeating the pattern how many total  steps has it taken  when every leg has stepped twice. 16 steps in a video of walking carb the legs on the left side step in the order 1 3 2 4 if the right are numbered 5 6 7 8 and follow  the  same time wich 2 legs together take the 30th step.  legs 3 and 7. it leg number 6 the crap take the 6th spet then the 14th step then the 22ad and so on when will that 6th legs take a step again that  ends in a 6 which step will be the next one after  that  to end in a  6 the 46th step then the 86th  step after the  6th step we need  add to multiple of 8 that is also a multiple of 10  to keep a 6 in the final digit 5 x8 is the  smallest multiple that works adding 40 each time.  form called book  bedtime math.

Thursday, June 23, 2022

I on the zoom with my friend on juneteenth. I block 13 rights.  I  prayed for freedom.   

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

eight stareet art

 1. runaway railcar this 3d painting a soon precarious prredicament was part of a magic art special exhibition in the city of Hangzhou china. 

2. about face Toronto Canada based visual artsist dan Bergeron created this amazing illusion as part of his face of the city seriens which incorporates the sufaces of urban walls into his works of art.

3.  hole y money whoa that a bad one actually its a really great illusion by artist 3d Joe and man displayed it trafalgar Square London  uk calling attention to pitfalls of potholes .

4.  Noah's ark  this sprawling three dimensional reimagining of the flood story was painted  on Valois  square  in wilhelmshaven Germany .

5. hanging around created outside the main  entrance  to the corinthia hotle in London uk this  increadible 3d depictioystal chandeler in features the likeness of a crystal chandelier in the hotel's lobby lounge. 

6.   where's Waldo  French street artist oakoa's lilusion references the children's book series that challenges charater among large groups of  people in different location.

7.  long jump can you make it across the abyss this amazing 3d scene is painted on the dam on dunajec river in niedzica Poland. 

8. dive in artist 3d jose and max craeted this work to commemorate ate the two year anniversary  of  the london 2012 olympics it  features iconic scenery as well as athletes fro the  game.

9. from called book National Geographic  kids almanac. 

Monday, June 20, 2022

spinning circles

 do you see all the spinning circles don't look too long or you might get dizzy this illusion plays with your peripheral  vision (vision from the  side of your eyes not the middle) sometimes when you look out the sides of your  eyes you see movement where really there are only patterns. from called book national geographic kids almanac.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Hank Zipero (Hbo max)

 The series is based on best selling book of the same name. Hank Ziper a 12-year-old boy who has dyslexia  (a learning difference that  can  affect reading.) as he faces challenges and strives for success at things like sports trying out for the school play and more.  from called book the week junior. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Monday, June 13, 2022

humpback whales

 humpback whales rely teamwork to hunt coordinating their actions as they circle in on their prey. known the songsters of the seas male humpback whale  sing complex songs with repeated patterns. humpback whales typically travel solo but they  do join up  during feedind sessions. humpback whales eat up 3,000 pounds (1,360kg) of food a day. including small fish and tiny crustaceans. Each summer pacific humpback migrates from hawala u.a s. to their feeding grounds near Alaska u.s.a one of the longest migrations in the animal prey al world. this behavior known as bubble net feeding allows the whales to disorient their prey by blowing bubbles in a spiral around a school of fish. The ring of bubbles forces the fish to the surface where other humpbacks await  and can then gulp the fish down.  from called book almanac National geography kids. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

 the pineapple is yellow 
and death and is good 
your body.  from Alexis Noon 


Saturday, June 4, 2022


 parrotfish  chew up chunks of coral to eat the algae inside then poop it out as sand some create a mucus sleeping bag for protection from predators such from as sharks and moray eels. from called book the week  junior .

Friday, June 3, 2022

 the card with walk people
on brach, the card walk on
breach on with friend.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...