Wednesday, September 28, 2022

reasons to workout today

 1. I will  have more confidence 

2. I will be one step closer to fitness  goal 

3. I will  be  mentally   alert 

4.  I will happire 

5.  I will have a desire to eat healthy  food 

6.  I will  be more motivated to workout  tomorrow

7. I will burn more  calories the rest  of the  day

8.   I will have increased amount of energy 

9.  I will  be doing something  for me 

10.  I will be healthier 

from the computer 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

 I zoom with my friends  art  journal I make pictures with my friends. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

spooky stone

 dating back about 5,000 year 14tall stone loon above wordy moor in northwestern Scotland make isle of lewis. The tallest of the Callanish shanding stones marks the entrance to a burial spot for human remains but that's not the only creepy story legend says the rock were onve giants who were turned into stone. another claims a ghosttly  figure called the shining. one appears on the longest day of the year sadly walking around the stones. from called book national geographic kids 

Friday, September 9, 2022


 the dirigible balloon 

with our sandwiches packed 
and our bottles of juice 
under fulffy withe clouds and the sun 
we all  climb aboard  
this balloon of  delight 
in a search for new  places and fun 
with friends by our sided 
and excitement in everyone's eye 
our dirgible lifte 
off the ground like a bird 
to adventure high up in blue skies.
from called by Jonathan  humble 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

an artist and author

 raymond briggs a British  author and illustrator best known for his books Father Christmas  and  The snowman  died in  august at age 88. He studied planting in art school but alays  wanted to be a cartoonist in the 1950. briggs writing and illustrated own books his work gained attention for the way the drawing looked like comic book panels and used little text his characters were also nontraditional  such as a grumpy santa claus in father christmas brigg's agent told the guardian i know from the many letters he received how received how his books and animations touched people's hearts. from called book the week junior.

Monday, September 5, 2022


 hold fast to dream 
for if dreams die
life is a broken winged bird 
that cannot fly
hold fast to dreams 
for whan dreams go 
life is brarren field 
frozen with show.
from computer.


an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...