Sunday, October 30, 2022

a gourd way to travel downstream

duance hansen carved a massive pumping  not for halloween decor but for joumey down the  Missouri  river The nebraskan paddled 38 miles  in this 846 puond pumping which he named the ss  Berta  Hansen  dodged rock and sand for 12 hor s as friend  and flamly cheered him on from the rivebanis you've  got to top of it the  wold time he said guinness world records officials are new reviewing Hansen's appleication for the title of longest joumey by pumping bats the previous record holder rick seenson traveled  25.5 mils. from called book the week junior.

Monday, October 24, 2022

devil rays

to attract partners  the sea creatures keep more than six feet into  the air creating sonic waves through the water during filming super natural caught orca whales fishing for the rays  it was the first time this was caught on camera. from called book the week junior.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

polar bear rep

weather be chillin 
weather be nice  
weather we swimming  
up under de ice

weather  be sleetin
weather  be show 
but  we gotta  go

wather be nuttin 
less me n you 
bust on outta 
nutin much zoo.  
j Patrick lewis 

from called book of animal poetry



Friday, October 14, 2022

This organination support to school age children whose parents or caregivers have  been diagnosed with cancer. volunteers with background in chid psychology and education run programs that offer a spcae for children to shere how they resource to families and  hosts regular events with games and  activities find out more at from called book the week junior 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

japanese cat

 the  Maneki neko beckoning cat  in Japanese is said to bring luck to businesses it  comes in different colors and  designs to symbolize different desire a raised left paw is  for attracting customers. from called book the week jounior. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

fung dye

 the green elfcup fungus stands out with its vibrant turquoise hues and ability to stain forest wood a verdant shade. these stained woods is known as green  oak during its heyday in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries green oak was prized by craftsmen for its appearance. used in fine woodworking artisan create exquisite patterns by inlaying this wood with other colors and wood grains. from book called Ripley's believe or not.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...