Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Sunday, November 20, 2022

3 facts about dreams

 during sleep tge varaub switches between two cycles taped eye movement  (REM) and  non rem in REM the body is in a temporary state of paralysis  areas of the brain are active dream are most vivid at this time.from called book the week junior.

Monday, November 14, 2022

giant's orchestra

 we love supersize  musical instrument here at gwr though sadly we've never been ableto bring them together in a true big band with international travel still a tricky prospect we've opted to imagine what such a troupe might look like when like when their tour hit the Sydney opera house in Australia. long strings and big bores make for really deep notes so they  would probably sound like a tuneful earthquake  even the smallest of these instruments can play g# below the lowest note on a grand piano while others approach the limits human hearing . this violin is based on a late 18th-century model by master luthier Johann Georg  schonfelider ll. from called book Guinness world records 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

 This irganization goal is to help young people  volunteer for causes  they care about It  pairs children with volunteer opportunities that focus on the groups core causes such  as fighting hunger and protecting the planet it helps children who  are volunteering track their service hours awards badges for their  service  hours awards badge  for their progress and holds education sessions find out more at HERE from called book  the week junior 

blue ribbon baking

 a 7 year old makes the best pie in Texas Allen gage blueberry pie won first pirze the battle for the blue ribbons ath the Texas state fair ...