Friday, January 26, 2024

who has how many humps

camel are  known for a couple of weird things. For one they have that strange hump on their  back or is tow humps.It tump out there are 2 living species or types of camel the dromedary which has 1 hump and the bactrian camel which has 2 humps. Their for  camel like cousins have the  same long neck and legs but aren't  quite as lumpy the alpaca llama guanaco and vicuna (that last one lives in South America. Also camels can live can  go for day withot drinking wather even it the hot desert. but they don't  keep extra water in their  hump like peole used to think. The hump is just a big lump of fat it stay up there beccause  it  if were spread  as layer all around theier bodies the be too hot in the desert. Camels aren't  super friendly they're known to spit at you if they get annoyed but a nice bumpy ride. wee one  who has more hupms a dromedary or a bactrian camel. litter kids a grown up  camel stands 6 feet tall at the shoulder but its hump is  1 foot its hump bonus If 2 dromedaries 2 bactrian camels go for a walk how many hump do have. big kids camels can live for 50 year How many year from now will you match tshat. bounus If you have 20 hump in  the room and there are twice an many bactrian camels (2 homped) as dromedaries how many of each animal do you have. wee onees the batctrin camle  since it has 2 instead of 1. little kids 7 feet bonus 6 humps. big kids different for  everyou subtract your age in years from 50 or maybe you 've already passed it. Boun 4 dromedaries and 8 bactrian camel each set of a dromedary plus 2 bactrain camels has 5 hump and there 4 sets of 5 humps in 20. from called book bedtimemath org.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The week in history

 warming against cigarettes issued on January  11 1964 Dr Luther  terry the  surgeon general (top us health official ) issued  a landmake report  saying that  smoking cigarettes  increases the risk of cancer and other sermon  diseases a year  later  health warnings were added to cigarette packaging. At  that time about 46% of Americans smoked  cigarettes Today about 11% of people say they do. from called book the week junior.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...