Saturday, February 24, 2024

jigsaw puzzle

 jigsaw puzzle can be eays or hard depending 3 things the total number  of pieces the number of shapes that look the sane and  most imprortantly the  size of the  picees compared to  size  of the picture. A  red apple using 40 pieces 400 easier that's not enough try the it hame than 40'000 piceces and stretches 22 feet  long. wee ones if you add a bule pice to your puzzle than a red then a green then a bule again to start over  then a red againg what pice do you add nezt. big kids a lost of people like to make the broder edgee of the puzzle first than fill in the center. If a puzzle has 6 row of 4  pieces each how many of those are edges or corners there are 2 long side and 2 short sides but don't double count the comers. Bounds now if you have a 7 a piece wide by 7 piece tall puzzle  how many pieces are not on the edgers hint if needed can you find a subtrcating .  we ones green  piece since the pattern is bule red  or green . big kids 16 edge pieces 6 along each long edge 12 total puls 2 more non corners on each short 4 more bonus 25 pieces. If you take away all the edge you'er life with a 5x5 piece square in the milder. from call book bedtime math .

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

word map

this reference site is run by the central intelligence  Agency  the us agency that gather information to protect fthe  county it comtains useful information  about more then 260  countres amd locations around the world you  can also  find  world maps and interesting fact  of the day.  from called book the week junior.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

the space race

otlichnow awesome   During  the cold war the us and ussr were also locked in a space race starting  the  when the soviet  union launched the first artifical satellite sputnik in 1957. The  next  year the us launched a satellite  and  founded the national aeronautic and adonistraton nasa. The space race led to focus on math and science in American  school. In April 1961 Yuri Gagarin  of the ussr become the first person to orbit the earth  The  us Neil  armstrong and Edwin  buzz  woll prere the first peolpe walk on the moon on July  20, 1969 during the Apollo  project. from book called world history 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...