Friday, April 5, 2024

space Junk

 Trash is  everywhere on  land in the the sea even in  space There are 23,000 human make objects  four  inches (10cm) or larger orbithin each  and millions more smaller ones zipping around it too How did they get there. Stray saterlliters as soon  as people  started exploring space  they left  objects behind. This all stated 1957 when the first satelle sputnk i was launched some 10, 000 satellites have been launched into low orbit space since since then although momst of them are broken or have stopped working they'er still up there crurising at nearly 18,000 miles an hour 29,000 km (h) in constant orbit the  more cluttered low orbit space get the likely bits and pieces are going to crash into seatlliies or even  the international  space station (ISS) some people have proposed using a giant magnet to clean up junk. other suggest type of net to scoop  up the trash and bring into each,s atmosphere where it will burn up. waste in space but satellites aren,t the only items left behind. astronauts have left human make objects on the moon like exploration buggies golf ball and a photograph which are considered space junk. They have salso a accidentally dropped  trash into space when out on space walks inckydubg a camera  a spatula a glove and a prirs other human made objects have ventured beyond our solar system like the voyager 1 and voyager 2 probes launched in the 1970. It just goes to show that once person,s spcae junk is anther person. scientific  treasure. space  debris  can stay in orbit for more than 100 years before it slowly decay and burns up in the atmosphere. between 200 and 400 pieces of space junk enter eath,s atmosphere  each year. the nanoracks remove  debris satellite aims to address tge problem by capturing space junk orbiting earth. this debris shied was jettisoned from the iss. from called book national geographic kids space stuff.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...