Friday, October 25, 2024


 most flower on an orchid (monopodial ) a  phalaenopsis orchid grows by Kevin  endlisch (can) bore 131 blooms on 30 mar 2023 a verified  in Waterloo  ontario Canada monopodial orchids grow single upright stems with one leaf following another on alternating  sides phalaenopsis species are commonly known as moth orchids and include the flowers that appear to be mimicked by h coronaturs (above) from book called Guinness  world records.

Friday, October 18, 2024

squashing the competition

 a giant pumpkin named  Hank the tank won the nsyionsl pumkin weigh off earning first place at 2,453 pounds grown in a greenhouse in Oregon  hank was 296 pounds shy of a new word record. from book called the week junior.


Sunday, October 6, 2024

The big picture

 annumal tardigrade location black forest southwest germany by shannon  hibberd how do photograph a  critter that's smaller than a pencil point nat geo photographer  oliver mocks explains  how he used a  special microscope to capture  this this tardigrade a tiny water bear that lives in moss and soil. my team and i were in the black froestto collect microorganisms  animals that are too small to see without a microscope furst we gathered some soil  with a little moss at the lab we whashed out the organisms into a petri dish and found this tardinrade. we  were lucky  tardigrades are part of  this habitat  but theyre petty of this habitat but thay' re pretty rare. To lake the picture we lifted  the animal using  an eyebrow hair and placed the tardigrade under a microscope as we kooked at the cratture  through the lens we built  scenery around it with moss and wood then a special elec tron microscope scanned the scene to create  the image. it's so cool to see something that's practically invisble it's like your're get thing  a peek into a sceret world. from called book national geographic kids.  


 what part of you body has the moust bones lest here it for your hands and and feet. The  bones there are part of your  skeleston the fromen...