Friday, May 27, 2016

Sully the Pilot Whale | JONATHAN BIRD'S BLUE WORLD

The  whale shark is the biggest  fish in the world. a full grown whale shark is big a bus and weighs more than an adult African elephant. it feeds by sucking tiny sea creatures its wide open mouth  filtering them through thousands of tiny  teeth. Luckily this giant is gentle in fact whale sharks are so friendly that they let swimmers come close enough to hitch a ride.more and more tourists are visiting the Central American countries whose coastal waters are nesting  ground for whale sharks hoping for a close up look. The increase ti tourism has resulted it more tour boat and more possible boat propeller injuries to the fish. During 3 month in 2014 tourist boat operators in panama hit whale sharks 27 times.  In July of that year officials  in eight countries passed new rules to protect whale sharks. These include guidelines for swimmers such as least six feet(1.8m) away. Large and small living things need human attention. read all about our amazing natural world in this section.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

what dwarf plant

a dwarf plant is usually smaller than a regular plant and lacks gravity powerful  enough  to clear the neighborhood  push space rocks away or pull them down to is surface. The first five recognized  dwarf plants  are cares pluto Eris makemake and Hauma  scientists say there  there may be  hundreds more.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

calendars and holiday

Time never stand still. Earth is constantly moving rotating  constantly  as it orbits the sun. it  take  about  24 hours -one day to make rotation . it the 365 1/4 day to make one revolution  around the sun. Nearly  every four year we add an extra day February to keep the calendar is synch with earth revolution . Why nearly Dating back to an old rule the fist year  of a century  is only a a leap year if its exactly  divisible by 400. So 1900 was not a leap year but 2000 was. The next leap day is frbruary 29 2016 .  leap day activities  often  celebrate our favorite leapers frogs. And  they deserve some  cheers Average Us bullfrogs can leap up to 6 feet (1.8m) or  ten times their body length The  us record belongs to Rosie the ribiter a bullfrog that 7.16 feet (2.2m) in a contest in 1986. This european green frog also called an an edible frog may be  leaping away from some ones dinner plate. it is highly  prized for food in france and tradition around  read about  holidays and tradition around the world in this chapter.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Monday, May 23, 2016


I have at school on the compter  on the costco with friends 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

ash online

subscribe to www. Jsh -  and receive full access the The Christin science journal , sentinel and Herald publications  including digital edition of the print periodicals web original articles blogs and podcasts over 30, 000 minutes of sentinel radio and audio chats and the fully searchable digital archives going back to 1833.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Friday, May 20, 2016

cat and hat

Im the cat in the hat and we're off to have fun we'll visit the planets the stars and the sun. There is no place like space. I will prove it to you . your mother will not  mind at all if  i do. jump in have we go we will fly up  so high we can dance on the moon and play game in the sky. we  will swing past the stars and in case you have missed em you'll soon....the planets in our solar system! There  are eight of these planets that circle the sun and soon you'll be able to name every one. Mercury's close to the sun's burning  light  it is hot in the daytime but freezing at night. on venus the weather is always the same hot dry and windy with on chance of rain. Today weather on venus really really hot nearly 900 fahrenheit windy and dry. can you guess the planet? well here is a clue: it is my home and home to thing one and thing two. you have been living on it each day since your birth it is third from the it our planet... earth  it spins all time round and round like a top In turns once every day and it never will spot.e home sweet home this question had this one and thing two in a tizzy if the earth always spinning why don't  we feel dizzy. we don't  feel the earth aa it spins on its way cause we'er spinning right withe it now every day. next have is mars it the color of rust we sneeze here because it  is covered with dust .  Travel  to Jupiter and you will find it is bigger than all other planets combined saturn has rings it so light who wold think? it could flat in an ocean and not even sink! a planet can have satellite that surround it Uranus has lots of these objects around it . there  are colors in space i will  show some to you  neptune  planet eight is a beautiful blue. we have seen all the planets now here is a trick to remember their names and remember them quick say.the first letter of  each of these words  is the same as the first letter in each of the planets you here is a game you can play in the skies connect all the stars you can see with your eyes. it star dot to dot use your imagination and you 'll see big pictures we call..constellations a dog the great bear and leo the lion taurus the bull and a hunter oriole   a star in the sky may look small like a dot but its really glowing ball and it hot and there one star by far thats our favorite one we can't live  without it  the star called the sun   from the Earth  it look  big there  is one  reason way it the closest to earth of the stats in the sky but be careful and never look right at the sun your eyes would get hurt and that would not be fun.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I  what doctor oz a new teatox  and wight you lost  ketones . i what play with friends .  

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I want  on ted talk  from you on tededclub from school.   

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...