Sunday, October 30, 2016


walk around in lake tahoa   with my friends .  I my a carrot  make with friends .

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

going going gone

people who rode in horse and buggy must have been astonished to see the first auto mobile imagine how  people reacted when a picture projected on a white screen started to move and then make sounds New invention often seem strange until we get used to having them around. And then they are replaced by even more advanced invention . Edison in his laboratory in new jersey  in a world that used torches candles and gas lamps for light it must have seemed like a miracle to flip a switch and see a light go on. That  miracle  was due to Thomas  Edison and his incandescent bulb.  As electricity flows through the bulb a wire heats up and start glowing producing light. The inlandscent which  people have been using from years is slowly being replaced by more energy saving florescent  bulb that lasts about 10,000 hours or 10 time longer than the incandescent. New there are led based bulbs that give off warm yellow glow The  bulbs use very little energy and last about 50,000 hours if they burned 24/7 they'd last for almost six  years.

Monday, October 24, 2016

beach artwork

beachcomber come across some pretty strange thing along the shoreline but nothing as unusual  the magical moving creatures created by Dutch artist  Theo Jansen. Theo Jansen has been making beach animals for more than 20 years His creatures look like giant dinosaur skeletons come to life  powered by the wind the sculptures appear to be walking. The beach animals are a form of kinetic or moving  sculpture The creatures move by creating their own energy The plastic tubes fit one inside the other and slide back and forth The forces air in and out of the tubes building  pressure that creates movement . Jansen calls each creature a stranbdeest that  Dutch for beach animal When his animals aren't  strolling along the beach they'er being admired in science and art museums. Theo Jansen studied physics in college and he uses his scientific knowledge to create create his artwork.  

Thursday, October 20, 2016

follow the boucing ballplayer

what do you get when you  combine  volleyball  soccer gymnastics and capoeira (cap-o- way- rah) the  Brazilian martial art that looks likes a dance. you get bossaball which is kind of like volleyball played on a trampoline. players can bounce up high and really spike the ball over the net.The  most famous  teams from Spain and Brazil have been bouncing around the world playing exhibition games to introduce the  sport to others . the beaches of rio de janeiro Brazil are the site of this high- kicking bossaball  match . bossaball  is a nod to bossa nova a style of popular brazilian  music.  

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


The first airplane journey  across the united states  took 49 days.

Friday, October 14, 2016

surf sharks

Deep below the ocean where  the  warm cold  waters meet a city was built around an old shipwreck. Shark from all over lived in these friendly waters.With Doors  Drive pectoral place and caudal court the sharks decided to name it fin city. in fin city the school  water  the best the shopping was  great and the restaurant had the chummiest chum cakes around The  water was beautiful and safe except during the surf contest when signs were posted all over fin city warning shark to stay away from the beaches.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

just Ducky

The ducky contenders are dumped into the rive at the start of  a Wisconsin derby . you stand to win a prize if your entry comes in first in one the many duck derbies around the country . All you have to do Enter your favorite rubber stick  a compute generated  number on it launch it into a river at the starting line (with thousands of competitors ) and cross your fingers. The ducks float  downstream and the lucky owner the first lucky to cross the finish finish  line wins. a volunteer member of the clean up  pop up among the also rans.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

underground wonderlands

caves and passageways deep below each surface hold incredible treasure.They don't contain private gold but something far more fantastic.spectacular underground scenery. waterfalls of liquid  and ice and columns of crystal are some of the wonders you can find below ground. ruby falls  astonished the people  who discovered it in 1928. And the underground waterfall still amazes visitors ruby falls is locate more than 1,000, feet below the surface. It in a cave that part lookout mountain caverns in Chattanooga Tennessee . An underground  stream feed the towering falls which drop 145 feet into a pool of water that,s pure enough to drink. The  Grotte carteret  a limestone  cave in spain  has a frozen waterfall The  cave is so cold that water that flows down freezes almost instantly in giant icicles and columns of clear ice. The  largest natural crystals in the world are the cave of Crysals in Mexico. some of the crystals  are 36 feet long and weigh up  to 55 tons. A combination  of high temperatures and water with a high mineral content help make the crystals grow extra large. The  cave was accidentally discovered by miners. Water was pumped out so the crystals could be studied but the crystals will not continue  to grow without the water. Scientists wonder it they should keep the water  out of the cave so the crystals can be seen or they should let the water seep bacon so the crystals can grow but  be studied. What do you think. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

The ultimate voyager

robert ripley  was  as beloved as the amazing oddities  featured in the Believe  it or Not cartoons he  drew  for newspapers around the world and his  radio and television shows. ripley became a celebrity whose popularity rivaled even first  Odditroium  in 1933 in chicago over two million fans flocked to the amazing human oddities  and artifacts  he collected  from every  corner of the  planet.  Ripley found ways to discover all was weird and wonderfull  in the world - including the  purchase of his own chinese junk the mon lei pictured in painting to the right (one rippley's   few color paintings) the ship was rebuilt from an 1890s cargo junk.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Flex your cortex -- 7 secrets to turbocharge your brain | Sandra Bond Ch...

they are seven ways to  the brain 1.simgle task 2.imhibrit information 3.deiax distraction 4.big idea thinking 5.calirate mental effort  6.imouate 7.mativale . flex your cortex.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...