Saturday, October 8, 2016

underground wonderlands

caves and passageways deep below each surface hold incredible treasure.They don't contain private gold but something far more fantastic.spectacular underground scenery. waterfalls of liquid  and ice and columns of crystal are some of the wonders you can find below ground. ruby falls  astonished the people  who discovered it in 1928. And the underground waterfall still amazes visitors ruby falls is locate more than 1,000, feet below the surface. It in a cave that part lookout mountain caverns in Chattanooga Tennessee . An underground  stream feed the towering falls which drop 145 feet into a pool of water that,s pure enough to drink. The  Grotte carteret  a limestone  cave in spain  has a frozen waterfall The  cave is so cold that water that flows down freezes almost instantly in giant icicles and columns of clear ice. The  largest natural crystals in the world are the cave of Crysals in Mexico. some of the crystals  are 36 feet long and weigh up  to 55 tons. A combination  of high temperatures and water with a high mineral content help make the crystals grow extra large. The  cave was accidentally discovered by miners. Water was pumped out so the crystals could be studied but the crystals will not continue  to grow without the water. Scientists wonder it they should keep the water  out of the cave so the crystals can be seen or they should let the water seep bacon so the crystals can grow but  be studied. What do you think. 

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