Tuesday, April 30, 2019

flower power

 other people see tortilla as a tasty  snack but joe bravo sees it as a canvas on which to create incredible works of art. The los angeles artist has earned such reputation  that some of his tortilla painting sell for more than 3,000. among  those who have sought a bravo creation is flea the bassist with the red hot cilli peppers. as  as student in  early 1970s bravo could not afford canvas so chose tortillas  instead reasoning that staple hispanic food idealmedium for displaying hispanic imagery. He make a mobile of hanging all hand painted but it appall in the Santa Ana winds Then  nearly  a decode ago somebody reminded him about it and he started  painting on tortillas again. In his early day he used corn tortillas  but new he is 26-in (66-cm) flour tortillas  custom make by a los Angeles  company. He say audience sees a painting on a litle regular tortilla they might go ok. But to see  a really big  tortilla. That gets their attention. His  ideas ate inspired by the individual texture burn marks and  appearance of each toasted tourilla . He has re-craeted such diverse icons as marilyn monroe  che guwvar ronald mcdonald and la vigin  de guadalupe for an exhibition in Hong kong he chose oriental themes including dragons pandas and koi fish. He has also designed a tortilla mask and costume  abounded  with kernels of corn you're working  with the environment  of the tortilla he explains the tortilla is almost like a collaborator. From called ripely  believe it or not


Monday, April 29, 2019


We recycle
we recycle 
yes we do
 yes  we do
caring  for our planet 
caring for our planet 
you  should too 
you should  too.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

the house that could fly

Have you ever flow in an airplane.Now how about living inside  one this  hole in costa  Rica turned  the inside  of an old plane into  two nice wood lined bedroom then stuck the whole plane  on top of a 50-foot pole. That way vustirs feel like they're  flying.Some other  people   trend  727 into 3 bedroom home  it  sticks out over  lake as if it's taking off. But don't  worry if you get airsick  as  this webpage show people   have turned   ships trains and  even busses into very cool home for themselves when  it come to your  dream house it whater floats your boat. What  space the  plane window in the lower picture. If your house could  fly and you  flew it this  morning then tonight then fly it. If the plane's belly 50 feet  off the ground  how many 10 foot ladders do you need to  stack to stack to climb up try counting up by 10s. If  they started decorating  the place  June 10th and  it took 5 moths it what month did they finish . If  that airplane has 21 windows  on both long sides plus 2 in front for the pilot  how many windows  does the  plane have. If your  plane house  starts flying at 100 miles an hour at the bus house  and  the bus start driving  towards the plane at 20 miles an hour  at the same time how far from the original bus spot do they meet if they start 18 miles apart  hint if needed you don't have figure out  how long it takes to meet to solve this Squares (with rounded  corners ) time ladders In November windows  ( side  one plus the 2 extra). 3 miles from the  bus  starting point. Whatever  distance the  bus  driver the  plane travels 5 of those  chunks since  it's 5 time as fast.  so that 18 miles can be cut into 6  equal piece and the bus  will drive  1 of them while the plane flies 5 of them. That means the dives 1/6th of 18 3 miles. from called bedtime math 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

cherry pie from space

people in space get  to float around  inside   the spaceship  eat food by squirting it and pee through a tube  well pants can have a wild time up there too 265 cherry stone  (seed) from a thousand year old japnese   there  went  into space  in 2008 on  board  the international space  station. They flew around  earth  for  months before coming back down. some seed were thenplanted  and grew into trees years sooner than they should have and with flower the wrong  shape. They h hoave only 5 petals instead of the 30 or in your usual fluffy cherry blossom. The  question is how the cherries from these taste. Out  of this world. wee one if tree was planted 7year  age you  older or younger than that tree. If cherry  trees should the 10 years to bloom and this one took 5 year how many year early are these flower . you can count  up  from 5 to find out . If  they  planted 19 of  the space  seeds than decide to plant 1more how many seed were planted. If  4 trees each 400 cherries how many space cherries do wet get ( hint if needed what if each tree grew just 40 cherries and how would this answer ) If  a cherry  pie need 200 cherries how many out of this world cherry pies can you bake. form called book  bedtime math.


 I have fun  with my friends  on  space move.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

figure eight ferris wheel

In 2015 the golden reel the world's  first fugue eight  ferris wheel opened in china situated  in macau's studio city a 3.2 billion( L2.1billion)casino  the wheel stands a lofty 426.5ft (130m) high making  it the highest ferris wheel  in Asia. Riders enjoy spectacular views of the city and the south china sea during their 15minute ride in steampunk themed cabins that rotate 23 floors above the ground from  called ripley  believe it or not 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


Have you ever eaten a lollipop. Do you lick it slowly so it would  last a long time or just bite the whole thing off. someone  finally did the math to see how many likes  you can enjoy until  you finish  it. scientist have estimated (guessed) that it's about 1,000 licks. they used math to figure out how fast water can dissolve or turn into  liquid something  hard like sugar.The funny thing is this matches pretty well  with what people say just from counting  their licks but go ahead and test it out yourself. If you lick the  side of your lollipop then  the right what side do lick next the left. If you'er  down to your last licks of the lollipop what  numbers do you say to cont down from 8. 8,7 6,5 4,3,2,1. If an anteater could fisnish a lollipop in 100 licks is that more or fewer than you 1,000 It, a lot fewer  thanks to that super long tongue. If you lick your lollipop once per second how long in minutes  and second does it take to like it 100 times. 1 miner 40 second since a minute has 60 seconds. If  you're  halfway through your 1,000 lick lollipop  how many licks have you taken 500 licks. If you, er couning  your 1,000 licks which number lick is the 10th to last lick. The 991th lick  rememberers 999 is 2ad to las (1,00-1) 998 is 3rd to 1,00-2) so you subtract  just 9 to  make sure you include 1,000 as the last. from a called book bedtime math.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...