2. Tighten youur froehehead close your eyes and contort your face into an ugly frown keep frowning until you can't go any further and then release feel the tension lift instantly.
3. One your mouth as wide as your can and make into a big O then close it feel your facial muscles relax.
4. rub your hands together until they then place them flat against your nose your eyes and feel the relief.
5. place your palms fat against wall then push keep pushing until you cannot push any more and then release feel your ams release.
6. Life on your back and fut your feet up feel the blood rushing to your heed.
7. like completely flat with your back to the floor and systematically flex and release every part of you. Strart at the feet and move up through the legs to the face and even your scalp feel thnsion drain out of you completely .
8. While lying on your back breathe in through the nostrils slowly and deeply feel the abdomen expanding like a balloon. Then slowly breathe out through the mouth and feel the adbomen flattening like a balloon releasing air. visualize fresh energized chi flowing and visualize stanant chi flowing out.
9. while lying on your back close your eyes and being to dayclream. Thing pleasant though working on at the moment smile happily to yourself.
10. srratch your ams out horizontally perpendicular to ground stretch them far out until you cannot stretch anymore then relax and the body relax.
from called book feng shui world feng sui cheat sheet
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