Thursday, June 27, 2019

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dependent origination 

Your potential creates your birth   
Your birth creates your awareness  
Your awareness creates your mind and body
Your mind and body generates six senses 
Your six senses become your perception 
Your perception generates your feeling  
Your feeling manifest your thoughts  
Your thoughts become your habits 
Your habits become belief/values
Your values become your action
Your actions become the expression of your lifes 

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Saturday, June 15, 2019

fun pome

you have brain 
in your head 
you have feet
in your shoes 
you can steer 
in any direction
you choose.

Friday, June 14, 2019

skull cups

a  ritual bowl called a kapala use by  indian  Hindus and buddhist  is  tibet made  from a human  skull. The  skulls are usually collected at burial  sites before bedbug ornately carved or mounted with  precious jewels  or silver. There  are tow types of kapala  those that use the whole  skull and those that use only the skull cup or top half of the cranium. They often server a vessels for holding food or wine but some followers also allegedly drink blood from skull cups. called book ripley believe it or not.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

fun poem

 I open up the crayon box 
and what do i see  
I see a bule crayon as bright 
as can be 
bule is the color of my baby 
brothers eyes 
blue is the color of my 

fun poem

I  open up the crayon box 
and  what do i see 
I see a green crayon as 
bright as can be
green is the color of the fat 
old toad  
green is the color  of  the 
grass by  the road

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

before you pop it

it's cron the cob day a great time to celebrate a very math-y food. for one thing the kernels grow in nice neat rows and any ear of corn will have total. There are usually 16 rows holding 800 kernels. usually just 1 or 2 ears grow on each corn stalk but in 2009 farmer tyler craig  broke the world record with a plant that had 16 ears. gorwing more ears is a gook thing since we use corm to make more than 3,500 other  things including food like popcorn cereal and marshmallows and  even ono food stuff like fireworks glue shoe polish and plastic. ew we think the tastiest way to enjoy corn might be right off the cob. corn can grow in colors purple green blackish bluish red white and course yellow how many colors it that 7colors. If an ear of corn has to have even  number of rows can it have 5 rows no since 5is an odd number. If an ear has 16 rows and you munch them one at time until there are 10 life what numbers do you say to count the rows you eat. 16 15 14 13 12 11. a bushel (8gallon barre) of corn has enough sugar to sweeten 400 can of soda. How many cans can you sweeten with 2 bushels 800 cans. If you start at row o and eat every 3rd row of can as you go 1full time around cob with 16 rows how many rows  do  you eat without  passing where you  started. 6 in  total you'll eat rows 1 4 7 10 13 and 16. If an ear of corn has 800 kernels in 16 rows how many in each row (hint needed to divide a number by 16 just cut it in half 4 time in a row) 50 kerneles per row.  called a book bedtime math

Monday, June 10, 2019

fun pome

climb aboard the spaceship 
we're  going to the moon

hurry and get ready  

we'er  going  th blast off soon 
put on your  helmets 
and buckle up  real tight 
her cones the  countdown 
let  count  with all our might  
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1- blast off

Sunday, June 9, 2019

brain pome

distiainguish  between fixed 
and growth mindsett 
meet your brain  
brain plasticity 
vuherabillty  and rick taking 
we love a challenge 

thanks for the feedback  

mistakes are opportunities for learning 
grit goal setting 

Saturday, June 8, 2019

healing from traumatic reactionship

re affirm your self worth

talke  about yore experiences

take time you  need to process  (everyone  is different) 

practice mindfulness journal you thoughts 

be in the  present           reassure your self

honor  your need           practice positive self  talk

practice self care           express your feelings 

forgive yourself            one step at  a time


Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Meerkat close encounter 

Wildlife Photographer  will Beauregard Lucas gives new meaning to the term up close and personal while photographing Meerkats in the wild. Makgadikgadi pan Botswana when family of meerkats discovered a wildlife photographer on his stomach angling  for a picture outside their burrow  they didn't  hide. Instead they used him as a lookout rock! baby meerkat  pups venturing above ground for the first time took turrns playing with photographer will burrard Lucas's camera. one bold about hoisted himself onto  brurard Lucas's and scaled to  the top of the camera lens he was holding. They were trying to get as look around burard lucas says. for meerkats the higher you get the safer you are because you can hopefully spot says Kenton ketrns bioloqist at the smithsonian's  national zoo in washington D.C. If they can find a stable  spot that's hihger than their normal places they"ll do anything to get there including climbiing a human.before packing  up the day burred lucas  writhed  patienty wile one curious meerkat  peered through the lens of his camera on  the ground another meekat walked right front of it How that  for a close up.   called book is national  Gecasgraphic almanac.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

herding ducks

if you yell fetch. your pet dog might run to grab a stick. if you yell whoa. you can slow down your horse. but dicks usually don't  listen to us. that's why we'er loving this video to a duck herding farmer. He walk out of the barn faces a whole group of ducks (called  a brace when on the ground) and calls out to them in Russian. suddenly the ducks rush together and follow him into the bran.How did he do that.we have on idea.ducks weigh about 5-6 pounds so he's herding at least a couple hundred pounds of duck maybe even better than steering a 500 pound horse. If you're counting those 8 docks that run in from the right what number do you say. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. If there   are 100 docks on the left and those 8 stragglers on the right how many docks are there in total 108 duck. How cute webbed feet do 1oo ducks have 200 feet.  If the farmer herd 40 ducks and 1/2 them quack back at him how may docks quack 20 ducks. How many docks do you guess are there without counting How would  you go about guessing. different for everyone  one way is to count out a few like 10 ducks and then goes how many clumps of that size  fit in the whole group.  from called bedtime math 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...