Tuesday, June 4, 2019

herding ducks

if you yell fetch. your pet dog might run to grab a stick. if you yell whoa. you can slow down your horse. but dicks usually don't  listen to us. that's why we'er loving this video to a duck herding farmer. He walk out of the barn faces a whole group of ducks (called  a brace when on the ground) and calls out to them in Russian. suddenly the ducks rush together and follow him into the bran.How did he do that.we have on idea.ducks weigh about 5-6 pounds so he's herding at least a couple hundred pounds of duck maybe even better than steering a 500 pound horse. If you're counting those 8 docks that run in from the right what number do you say. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. If there   are 100 docks on the left and those 8 stragglers on the right how many docks are there in total 108 duck. How cute webbed feet do 1oo ducks have 200 feet.  If the farmer herd 40 ducks and 1/2 them quack back at him how may docks quack 20 ducks. How many docks do you guess are there without counting How would  you go about guessing. different for everyone  one way is to count out a few like 10 ducks and then goes how many clumps of that size  fit in the whole group.  from called bedtime math 

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