Sunday, February 28, 2021

trunk snap

looking  for a quick bite this ambitious  nile crocodile  clamped its  powerful jaws onto the  trunk  of a young  elephant as it drank water from a pool in Zambia's  south Laungwa  national park The  startled elephant trumpeted loudly shook itself free and ran off into the bush leaving the croc to search  for a more modest meal lodge worker salisbury who took the photo said the photo said the same crocodile had earlier attacked a buffalo the scene  is case of life imitating  art after the Rudyeard Kipling story about elephant that got its trunk when a crocodile bit on the nose and stretched it.  from called book reply believe it or not .


Friday, February 26, 2021

the weirdest fruit you'er never tasted

 sure you probably eaten apple bananas and grapes but have you ever tasted any of the fruit you see in the picture That grape like jabuticaba  grows right on the trunk and branches of the branches of the tree. The rambutan  look like  a furry strawberry  and  the horned meld really has horns And when you eat the berry like miracle  fruit everything you eat after it tastes  sweet even broccoli If you  don't  love you veggies that might be a great weird fruit for you.  If you eat 3 apples and jabuticaba  how  many pieces of fruit  do you eat  4 pieces of fruit If you pick 6 jabuticabas from the tree trunk then climb up and pull 2 more off  the branches how many have you picked  a jabuticabas  if you try all 20 these fruits except the snake fruit because that that just doesn't sound good how many types have you tried 19 types of fruit. If you try 1/2 of the fruits on this list of 20 then try that snake fruit how many do you try 11fruits if  you bite into a miracle fruit at 6.25 pm and it makes broccoli taste sweet fro the next 17 minutes what the latest you get to taste sweet broccoli until 7.00 pm from called book bedtime math 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

living walls

 for his living wall series Russian street artist Nikita  Nomerz makes the country's derelict structure come alive  by adding facial features  He has painted eyes and a nose onto this crumbling wall and given it white spray can not the he has also pointed water towers to make it look as if they'er laughing and put faces on dilapidate  buildings using the  broken windows as eyes. from called  reply  believe in or not 

Sunday, February 21, 2021

frequently flyer

 oscar the  dog listed more then 30 countries  in three years flying twice the circumference of the earth  and  taking  is such landmark as the great  wall of china the Eiffel  tower in france and the golden gate bridge in  California. As   well as traveling  by airplane he has also been the a hot balloon and taken a helicopter ride over the grand canyon He  travels with owner joanne Lesson who rescued  him from a south African kennel in 2004 before  he was due to be put down.  at tee Eiffel tower  at the  golden gate bridge look down on the grand canyon  on board an  airplane in india  from called book ripley believe it or not 

Saturday, February 20, 2021

cat crashes football game

east Rutherford new Jersey get this cat a uniform The Dallas cowboy  were  down 9-3 against  the  new York Giants in a November  2019 football game when  a black cat sprinted onto the field play stopped as the speedy feline ran into the  end  zine and  the announcer  jokingly yelled touchdown. for  about a minute and on live tv the kitty dashed around security guards  sprinted past the goalpost and finally zoomed down the exit  tunnel. A group of feral cat  sometime hangs out in the stadium where  they'er cared for by kind humans sports stadiums like this one can provide feral cats shelter from rain and hot sun and they're a good place to find prey like rats  cat behavior expert Marilyn Krieger  says  This cat was probably chasing its dinner or fighting another cat when it appeared downfield. After the  game cat couldn't be found for interviews. But the cowboys players who won the game 37-18 might want to watch the replays to see if they can learn any new moves. Im a natural athlete.  from called national geographic  kids

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...