Friday, February 26, 2021

the weirdest fruit you'er never tasted

 sure you probably eaten apple bananas and grapes but have you ever tasted any of the fruit you see in the picture That grape like jabuticaba  grows right on the trunk and branches of the branches of the tree. The rambutan  look like  a furry strawberry  and  the horned meld really has horns And when you eat the berry like miracle  fruit everything you eat after it tastes  sweet even broccoli If you  don't  love you veggies that might be a great weird fruit for you.  If you eat 3 apples and jabuticaba  how  many pieces of fruit  do you eat  4 pieces of fruit If you pick 6 jabuticabas from the tree trunk then climb up and pull 2 more off  the branches how many have you picked  a jabuticabas  if you try all 20 these fruits except the snake fruit because that that just doesn't sound good how many types have you tried 19 types of fruit. If you try 1/2 of the fruits on this list of 20 then try that snake fruit how many do you try 11fruits if  you bite into a miracle fruit at 6.25 pm and it makes broccoli taste sweet fro the next 17 minutes what the latest you get to taste sweet broccoli until 7.00 pm from called book bedtime math 

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