when we do get that place where we feel stuck in our negative or
distressing emotions (anxiety fear anger disappointment etc.) frantically paddling upstream out of control there are tricks we can use to turn our boat around. New that we know that our negative emotions exist to inform us and that they might only last a few seconds we can choose to stop their flow once we got the information we need. Anger doesn't need to lead into panic and disappointment doesn't need to grow into hopelessness.we might speak our truth walk away journal act instead of react or try one of these quick but powerful tricks that use our minds to calm our bodies. when your feeling have hijacked your mind you're triggered or ready to explode try one of theres get grounded close your eye and imagine that you have tree roots or a cord coming out of the bottom of your feet connecting you to the ground it might also be a garbage shot. Whatever it looks like imagine that with every exhale your'e dumping your stress into the earth. With every inhale imagine feeling lighter and lighter. let go find a place to feel your feet the ground you back against the floor / chair. Notice the air coming in through your nose and mouth and filling our lungs.As you inhale imagine the word go try to get into a rhythm and keep it going. The 5 second pause button when emotions are on the rise pause for 5 seconds take 5 deep breaths os pause to think of 5 things you love to do this allows you to be in charge of your emotions instead of them being in charge of you. Warm up once you've released the distressing stuff fill yourself up with the good stuff imagine golden sun at the top of your head fill it with all of the thing that feel great (courage strength love kindness hope.) Then follow the sun down through your heart and torso feeing it warm up every part of your body relax and feel the warmth. 5 breaths 1. breathe in (calm for 5 second. 2.Then hold your breath for 5 second. 3. Then breath out (seers)for 5 seconds 4. repeat steps 1-3 until you feel relief. from called book project happiness hand book by randy Taran and Maria linger
distressing emotions (anxiety fear anger disappointment etc.) frantically paddling upstream out of control there are tricks we can use to turn our boat around. New that we know that our negative emotions exist to inform us and that they might only last a few seconds we can choose to stop their flow once we got the information we need. Anger doesn't need to lead into panic and disappointment doesn't need to grow into hopelessness.we might speak our truth walk away journal act instead of react or try one of these quick but powerful tricks that use our minds to calm our bodies. when your feeling have hijacked your mind you're triggered or ready to explode try one of theres get grounded close your eye and imagine that you have tree roots or a cord coming out of the bottom of your feet connecting you to the ground it might also be a garbage shot. Whatever it looks like imagine that with every exhale your'e dumping your stress into the earth. With every inhale imagine feeling lighter and lighter. let go find a place to feel your feet the ground you back against the floor / chair. Notice the air coming in through your nose and mouth and filling our lungs.As you inhale imagine the word go try to get into a rhythm and keep it going. The 5 second pause button when emotions are on the rise pause for 5 seconds take 5 deep breaths os pause to think of 5 things you love to do this allows you to be in charge of your emotions instead of them being in charge of you. Warm up once you've released the distressing stuff fill yourself up with the good stuff imagine golden sun at the top of your head fill it with all of the thing that feel great (courage strength love kindness hope.) Then follow the sun down through your heart and torso feeing it warm up every part of your body relax and feel the warmth. 5 breaths 1. breathe in (calm for 5 second. 2.Then hold your breath for 5 second. 3. Then breath out (seers)for 5 seconds 4. repeat steps 1-3 until you feel relief. from called book project happiness hand book by randy Taran and Maria linger
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