Wednesday, April 28, 2021

sea otters

 excellent table manners floating belly up there  backs cradled in the ocean water sea otters don't  even flip over to eat. instead crunch they  use rocks to crush clamshells and open spiky  sea urchins. Using their tummies as while they snack sea otters wash their  bellies after every meal so food doesn't  get stuck in their fur. northern sea otter a hairy situation  whether they live in mild or cold climates sea otters have up to a million  Harris on every inch of skin the densest for of any animal this double layer of fur traps air bubbles next to their skin which helps keep sea otters warm and helps them float. After diving  under the wavers a sea otter blows air back  into fur with its mouth sometime it does somersaults to force air inside its dense coats.  A sea otter's thick fur also helps newborn bob along on the water  oath their mothers sea otter  Monterey  bay California a sea other floats solo in the frigid waters off the coast of Alaska. sea otters floating in kelp.  In good and proective company company in a behavioral called rafting sea otters sometime gather in groups to socialize to rest and to suddenly pay attention too. when orcas and  other predators such as eagles sea lions or sharks are nearby the other  scatter  into the water darting away to safety. sea otters in Prince William sound Alaska potter sea otter and newborn pup Mama other most often cary their babies on their tummies and even nurse them as the flat on their backs. from called ocean animals  national  geographic kids.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

I like word

I like word
do you like word
word aren't  hard to find 
word on walls and word in book
word deep in your mind 
word in jokes 
that make you  laugh 
word that seen to smell 
word  that end up inside out 
words you  cannot spell 
word that fly 
and word that crawl 
word that screech and bump 
word that glide  and word  that swing 
word that bounce and jump 
words that paint 
and word that draw 
word that make you grin 
word that make you shake and sweat 
word that touch  your skin.  
from computer 

Sunday, April 25, 2021

walking is space

 last fall koch (above right ) and  fellow astronaut  Jessica  Meir became the first all female team to conduct a spacewalk . Wearing spacesuits that  allowed them to breathe they  floated out  the Iss to change a battery  on its exterior. It almost feels like  you'er  attached to  the space station. from called book junior Scholastic. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

earth day

 The only disease  of the earth is humans 
unfortunately it is the only cure as well happy earth day 
 from computer 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...