Saturday, May 29, 2021


 whiteout  loss of time out across a deep bend
of  the lake toward the landmarks  that signified  the 
locality of the camp I got  johnny  to row not  because
I mind exertion  myself  but because  it makes me 
sick to ride backwards when i am at work 
But  I steer  a there mile pull brought us to the camp
just as the night fell. from  computer 

Tuesday, May 25, 2021


 feed the bird 
care for the plant 
protect  the water and air 
replenish resource 
from computer 

Saturday, May 22, 2021


 bird bird 
where do you fly 
dancing among the clouds 
up  in air way way up there 
sky high 
from computer  

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 The first Paralympics are held in Rome Italy at the 2020 Paralympic set to take place summer it Tokyo Japan athletes will compete in track and filed cyclings winning and other events. from called book junior scholastic. 

Saturday, May 15, 2021


trampled  by a turtle the  Vanessa   bezy cool job  marine biologist  the location  optional costa rica  I study how  and why thousands olive ridley sea  trurles come  to nest on one beach at same time. The  nesting happens all night  for about  a week so I don't  get much sleep. One  might  I was  waiting fro some new  volunteers to arrive and I though I 'd catch a quick snooze  I found  and  old  log on the beach pressed my  back up against it and drifted off. after a few minutes a 130 pound turtle come up over  the log and clambered onto my  shoulder ouch. These sea turtles are cute but they'er also smelly super loud and  really heavy.  I pushed it off me and scrambled to my feet. the turtle was in a sort of zombie  mode  trying to  find a spot  to lay her eggs so she just got off me and kept cruising  now I always have a much rest as I can in the day even though it really hot and bring a portable hammock just in case. from national geographic kids 


an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...