Thursday, November 18, 2021

 Drawing a turkey is incredibly hard 
I Just make one that should win an award

you wouldn't  beleive the skill it took 
I looked up the idea in a big book 

pay attention now this is really grand
you can  make a turkey with your  hand

all you do trace around it 
what you say you know confound it 

but did you know what holiday 
you can you draw a pilgrim hat 

if you can just tell me go on living 
I'm just happy it's  thanksgiving 

from computer  


Tuesday, November 16, 2021

native american heritage math marked

 national native American heritage moth began November  1. The  month celebrates  native and  indigenous people the groups of people who were the first to inhabit America. The federal government  first declared November  as national  American  Indian heritage month in 1990.( American  Indian is another  name for Native American )since  1994 it has  Benn observed every year although  the name has varied During November  people  celebrate the  tradition and histories of native and histories of month and even month we honor the precious strong and enduring cultures  and contribution of all native  American president Joe Biden  said Many organizations are observing the month.  The tv broadcaster abs introduce  programming  focused on native art  history and traditions. The National park service holding cultural demonstrations a  group of museums and movement Deb Haaland agencies teamed up create a  website (nativeamericanheritagemoth gov.) that has virtual exhibition  videos of  transitional stories and  other Native  American heritage resources. In addition to commemorating history some celebration  focus on native Americans today from November 12- 18 the National Museum of the American  Indian  showcasing films created by Native people . On November  14 people  worldwide  are encouraged to wear indigenous fashions including a type of shoe called moccasins and share them on social media with the hashtag  rockyourmocs. Deb Harland  the first Native American  to hold the position of us secretary of the interior (responsible for managing public  lands)spoke at and event on November 1. my ancestors fought through famine and drought  because they believed very strongly  that they were there to proceed a future for our people she said and  I am that future. do you there are about 2.5 million native Americium in the  US making  up  approximately 2/0 of the country's population there native American sister in Arizona  from called the week junior.  

Saturday, November 13, 2021

can you drink a whole lake

 we got an awesome question from  bedtime math fan Carmel  p could you drink a whole lake in an hour well you'd  better hope it a small lake look at  1/2 gallon of milk that's  already a lot to  drink. now imagine a 1 foot wide cube it would hold 8 gallons or 16 cations now imagine a  20 x 20 foot square swimming pool that's 10 feet if water or 64,000 milk cartons now imagine a square ish lake 200 feet wide and long and 100 feet pool across 10 pools from back to front and 10 layers of pools too to bottom you'd  have to drink 1,000 swimming pool in and here  or about  1 every 3 pretty fat stew for that.  if  you could drink 5 whole swimming pools what numbers do you say to count them 1 2 3 4 5  if a little lake holds 9 pools of water and  you've drunk 5 pools of water how many pools of water  do you have lift to drink count up to find out 4 more pools with of water  If you make it to only halfway between  5 and  9 how many  swimming  pools do you drink it total 7 pools. if a lake holds just 8 million gallons  how many people  can drink it down if each person drinks just 1/4 gallon (hint if needed Than means it take 4 people to drink each gallon) 32 million  people because each gallon needs 4 people tackling it  thats almost all the people in Canada  if you could drink 10 whole swimming pools every 10 minutes could you empty a 100 pool lake in 1 hour no there are only 6 10minuter  chunks in hour so you could drink only  60 pool in an hour another way to think of it 10 pools in 10 minutes is 1 pool per minute so that's 60 in an hour. lake  superior  in the u.s holds 3 quadrillion  gallons of water can you spell 3 quadrillion in digits hint a quadrillion is one thousand trillions and a trillions and a trillion is one thousand billons 3,000,000,000,000,000 gallons. from called book bedtime math 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Hawaii ban swimming with dolphins

 Hawaii has become the first us  state to bans swimming with  wild dolphins. The  national oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  (NOAA  The us agency that protects protects marine life) announced the  new  rule. It  prohibits people from  swimming  approaching or getting closer than 50 yards (about  half the  length of football field) to spinner dolphins. The rule applies to boats and ships as well.  spinner dolphins whiter ate one of the are slim and gray and white are one of the most common species of dolphin that people   encounter in Hawaii's ocean  waters. They  have a long skinny  beak and are known for leaping  from the water  and spinning up to seven times in the air. Experts think the Dolphins make these leaps  to signal  and communicate with each other. Scientists have advocated for the law to be passed for years Researching shows that human  interaction is stressful  harmful to the the logo of national oceanic and  Atmospheric Administration Dolphins During the day  the dolphins  rest socialize  and nurture  their young is shallow washes close to land. At night they hunt for food. When  humans  come  near the animals  it disrupts  the dolphins routine and the animals don't  get enough rest during the day.This can cause  dolphin to dnevelop health  problems leave home or abandon their young. swimming with spinner dolphins has  been a popular tourist since the 1980s vacation companies in Hawaii  can generate about 39 million a year  taking  people  on tours  to swim with wild dolphins according  to  one study from 2020. Tour  operator can still take people  on dolphin viewing tours as long as they remain 50 yards away nova said that if person accidentally gets close to spinner dolphins while swimming they must move away and not engage the animals Noaa. from called  book the week junior.

Saturday, November 6, 2021

wold map

 from a freezing ice off coast of antarctic to  hot salt lake in Africa  and from  a towering  mountain in South America to a vast meteor crater in Australia  this book  is packed with stunning locations from all seven continents of the world. On your travels you 'll visit a range of landscape and habitats with different climates and features for each place you'll find a small world map that shows you where  you are her you can see all the places  together where  will you start your adventure if you'er and avid explorer turn the wold. from called book amazing earth.  

Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 close your eyes
and do not peek 
and I'll rub spring 
across your cheek 
soft as velvet 
smooth and sleek 
close your  eyes 
and do not peek 
from computer 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

5 minute self care exercises

1. take a walk around the block

2.  focus on your  breathing 

3. with down your thoughts on paper 

4.  make yourself a cup calming tea 

5.  list the things you'er grateful for 

6.   stretch 

7. call a friend for a chat 

8. lists to cheerful  or calming music 

9.  rehydrate with a glass of that 

10.  read or watch something  that 

11. make you laugh 
from the computer 


an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...