Wednesday, December 29, 2021

our contest winner

for the week junior's second annual contest the theme was  wish for the world invited readers to  create a colorful design  that represented wish  we received nearly 600 amazing submissions and were impressed by  all a wish of them many of the drawing reflected  a wish to protect the planet spread  pace and  kindness or promote social justice. The contest was judged by editor in chief Andrea babalich art director dean  Abatemoarco and award  winning  Children's book creators  Jeff  Kinney  Remy  lai and  Maria striven  kinney  is the creator  of the diary of a wimpy kid book  series lai wrote   and  illustrated pie in the sky scrivan  is the  creator of the nat  enough book series it was a challenge to v narrow the selection down  to 10 finalists shown on these tow pages judges said they would have put every one of the  submissions on the cover it they could  in the end Ainsley  entry titled peace and love won for its colorful and energetic depiction of the theme. congratulation to Ainsley  runners up Jonah and reeve the finalists and all the children  who  entered there was so much wonderful art to choose from scion said each of these artist should  very proud  of their work the  abstract use of shapes caught my eye and the color are perfect the canvas  seems to be split in half by color but they bring the image together as whole. I  love how  the hand are coming together to support the earth unity peace recycling and polar bears are all great wishes for the word. tins  drawing jumped out at me because of its simple  message our planet is our only hame and we have to protect it and way we can do that is with love and care. from called book the week junior .


Monday, December 27, 2021

new human ancestor identified

researchers have identified new species of human relative which they have  named homo bodeonsis. The  scientist  behind the discovery believe  the  species is direct is direct ancestor person who was in someone's family in the past  of modem humans and lived in Africa  about 500, 000 year  ago. the discovery  was not based  on fossils  that  were recently  found but on the reexamination of ones found long ago. Homo bodoensis  was  recognized in a new study  if fossils remains form hominid  human related  species. These  induced a skull found in Bodo  dr ar Ethiopia  in 1976  homo bodensis  its name from that location.  The  new  species lived the middle Pleistocene  pride of prehistory  some researchers called this period the  muddle in the milder  because of confusion abut how the modem human species homo sapinens evolved changed very slowly over time   When  modem humans  appears in farce  about 300,000 year ago several other hominids that now  extinct shared their  world did you  know one of the earliest know humans is named  homo habills  or  handy  man because  he made  the first stone tools. most famous  were neanderthals cousins of Homo sapiens  that mostly lived in Europe  and Asia  and  became extinct about 40,000 year ago.discoveries of hominid  remains from an earlier period  the middle Pleistocene suggest that Been unable a determine which of these gave rise to  modem humans and produced their cousins The  team led by Mirjana Roksandic  from  the university of Winnipeg  in Canada  and prerag radocic from the university  of Belgrade in Serbia says the new species  answer some of these questions They believe. that features  of the  Bodo skull and other remains from the middle pleeistoceme  show that they  all  belong to single species homo bodensis Their  research  suggests  this new. species is  direct ancestor  of modem humans and descended  from an even  earlier hominid  called homo Erectus uprising human which lived more than a million years age expert say Bodo hominid stayed in Africa other  descendants of homo erects spread upright  human which lived more than million  years ago. express say Bodo hominids stayed in Africa  otther  descendants of homo Erectus  spread  out  to Europe  and Asia where  they eventually gave rise  to other homing species including  mepnerthals . from called book  the weed junior 

Friday, December 24, 2021


 watch your stet don't  
crush the trillium 
trillium  is spring 
purple petals  in the sun 
you see it blossom

from called haiku  hike 


Saturday, December 18, 2021

 Christmas round the world 
is different everywhere 
heat is in the air 
there is no sing of snow  
it summer don't  so snow 
we've  got our hats and swimsuits on 
it's to the beach we go 
on Christmas  in Australia  
is Christmas in the sun 
is hot for everyone 
from computer 

Thursday, December 16, 2021


 I am 
joyous lady
and  fun 
contribute to 
my total 
wall being
 from power thoughts 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

water aid

 water-aid This  organization  focuses on ensuring that clean drinking water is available to everyone   In some areas of the world people only have access to water that is polluted leading to illness disease. The  group works with local governments to  change laws and  invest in building safe water and sanitation system that will improve  disease prevention  find out more at       from called book the week junior 

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Thursday, December 9, 2021

 the space orbit 
in round in the earth 
world  to is color 

the color is flower  
in pink is all ten planets
in the orbit on earth.

from Alexis  noon 

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

3 themes in johns art

 places where jasper johns lived often inspired him while in Japan  he made a series of  crosshatch painting prints drawing  prints drawing and silkscreens titled Usuyki.  from called book the week junior. 


 in the town of monowi Nebraska  was a  one woman show elsie elder was  the mayor town clerk and rhe only resident monwi I'm the  talk o...