Wednesday, December 29, 2021

our contest winner

for the week junior's second annual contest the theme was  wish for the world invited readers to  create a colorful design  that represented wish  we received nearly 600 amazing submissions and were impressed by  all a wish of them many of the drawing reflected  a wish to protect the planet spread  pace and  kindness or promote social justice. The contest was judged by editor in chief Andrea babalich art director dean  Abatemoarco and award  winning  Children's book creators  Jeff  Kinney  Remy  lai and  Maria striven  kinney  is the creator  of the diary of a wimpy kid book  series lai wrote   and  illustrated pie in the sky scrivan  is the  creator of the nat  enough book series it was a challenge to v narrow the selection down  to 10 finalists shown on these tow pages judges said they would have put every one of the  submissions on the cover it they could  in the end Ainsley  entry titled peace and love won for its colorful and energetic depiction of the theme. congratulation to Ainsley  runners up Jonah and reeve the finalists and all the children  who  entered there was so much wonderful art to choose from scion said each of these artist should  very proud  of their work the  abstract use of shapes caught my eye and the color are perfect the canvas  seems to be split in half by color but they bring the image together as whole. I  love how  the hand are coming together to support the earth unity peace recycling and polar bears are all great wishes for the word. tins  drawing jumped out at me because of its simple  message our planet is our only hame and we have to protect it and way we can do that is with love and care. from called book the week junior .


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 what part of you body has the moust bones lest here it for your hands and and feet. The  bones there are part of your  skeleston the fromen...