Wednesday, December 28, 2022

most people in and online wather reporting video relay

 on 21 jan 2021 a roker (USA)  and friends treeing together a 36 person online weather reporting  relay  on  NBC's today in New York City. a total of 36 NBC affiliates  stations were involved  in the relay across the United States which spanned multiple time zones. from called book Guinness  world records.  

Wednesday, December 21, 2022


a woman in Sweden found her wedding ring on carrot growing in her garden 16 years after misplacing in. from called book kids national geographic.

Wednesday, December 14, 2022


 I zoom with my fried on a pome 

grant me serenity to accept the I
Cannot change the courage to change
the  thing I can  and  the wisdom to know
the difference.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

the fun facst sun

 I have fun on the sun with  friends on zoom. the sun history  facts. 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

3 facts about dreams

 during sleep tge varaub switches between two cycles taped eye movement  (REM) and  non rem in REM the body is in a temporary state of paralysis  areas of the brain are active dream are most vivid at this time.from called book the week junior.

Monday, November 14, 2022

giant's orchestra

 we love supersize  musical instrument here at gwr though sadly we've never been ableto bring them together in a true big band with international travel still a tricky prospect we've opted to imagine what such a troupe might look like when like when their tour hit the Sydney opera house in Australia. long strings and big bores make for really deep notes so they  would probably sound like a tuneful earthquake  even the smallest of these instruments can play g# below the lowest note on a grand piano while others approach the limits human hearing . this violin is based on a late 18th-century model by master luthier Johann Georg  schonfelider ll. from called book Guinness world records 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

 This irganization goal is to help young people  volunteer for causes  they care about It  pairs children with volunteer opportunities that focus on the groups core causes such  as fighting hunger and protecting the planet it helps children who  are volunteering track their service hours awards badges for their  service  hours awards badge  for their progress and holds education sessions find out more at HERE from called book  the week junior 

Sunday, October 30, 2022

a gourd way to travel downstream

duance hansen carved a massive pumping  not for halloween decor but for joumey down the  Missouri  river The nebraskan paddled 38 miles  in this 846 puond pumping which he named the ss  Berta  Hansen  dodged rock and sand for 12 hor s as friend  and flamly cheered him on from the rivebanis you've  got to top of it the  wold time he said guinness world records officials are new reviewing Hansen's appleication for the title of longest joumey by pumping bats the previous record holder rick seenson traveled  25.5 mils. from called book the week junior.

Monday, October 24, 2022

devil rays

to attract partners  the sea creatures keep more than six feet into  the air creating sonic waves through the water during filming super natural caught orca whales fishing for the rays  it was the first time this was caught on camera. from called book the week junior.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

polar bear rep

weather be chillin 
weather be nice  
weather we swimming  
up under de ice

weather  be sleetin
weather  be show 
but  we gotta  go

wather be nuttin 
less me n you 
bust on outta 
nutin much zoo.  
j Patrick lewis 

from called book of animal poetry



Friday, October 14, 2022

This organination support to school age children whose parents or caregivers have  been diagnosed with cancer. volunteers with background in chid psychology and education run programs that offer a spcae for children to shere how they resource to families and  hosts regular events with games and  activities find out more at from called book the week junior 

Thursday, October 6, 2022

japanese cat

 the  Maneki neko beckoning cat  in Japanese is said to bring luck to businesses it  comes in different colors and  designs to symbolize different desire a raised left paw is  for attracting customers. from called book the week jounior. 

Sunday, October 2, 2022

fung dye

 the green elfcup fungus stands out with its vibrant turquoise hues and ability to stain forest wood a verdant shade. these stained woods is known as green  oak during its heyday in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries green oak was prized by craftsmen for its appearance. used in fine woodworking artisan create exquisite patterns by inlaying this wood with other colors and wood grains. from book called Ripley's believe or not.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

reasons to workout today

 1. I will  have more confidence 

2. I will be one step closer to fitness  goal 

3. I will  be  mentally   alert 

4.  I will happire 

5.  I will have a desire to eat healthy  food 

6.  I will  be more motivated to workout  tomorrow

7. I will burn more  calories the rest  of the  day

8.   I will have increased amount of energy 

9.  I will  be doing something  for me 

10.  I will be healthier 

from the computer 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

 I zoom with my friends  art  journal I make pictures with my friends. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

spooky stone

 dating back about 5,000 year 14tall stone loon above wordy moor in northwestern Scotland make isle of lewis. The tallest of the Callanish shanding stones marks the entrance to a burial spot for human remains but that's not the only creepy story legend says the rock were onve giants who were turned into stone. another claims a ghosttly  figure called the shining. one appears on the longest day of the year sadly walking around the stones. from called book national geographic kids 

Friday, September 9, 2022


 the dirigible balloon 

with our sandwiches packed 
and our bottles of juice 
under fulffy withe clouds and the sun 
we all  climb aboard  
this balloon of  delight 
in a search for new  places and fun 
with friends by our sided 
and excitement in everyone's eye 
our dirgible lifte 
off the ground like a bird 
to adventure high up in blue skies.
from called by Jonathan  humble 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

an artist and author

 raymond briggs a British  author and illustrator best known for his books Father Christmas  and  The snowman  died in  august at age 88. He studied planting in art school but alays  wanted to be a cartoonist in the 1950. briggs writing and illustrated own books his work gained attention for the way the drawing looked like comic book panels and used little text his characters were also nontraditional  such as a grumpy santa claus in father christmas brigg's agent told the guardian i know from the many letters he received how received how his books and animations touched people's hearts. from called book the week junior.

Monday, September 5, 2022


 hold fast to dream 
for if dreams die
life is a broken winged bird 
that cannot fly
hold fast to dreams 
for whan dreams go 
life is brarren field 
frozen with show.
from computer.


Thursday, August 25, 2022

rare zombie star survives explosion

a star in distant galaxy survied the explosion that should have  killed it according to new ; in 2021 astronomers (scientists who sutudy stars and space ) spotted the star turning into a Tye la supeermove an enormous explosion that make the end for many stars scientists have a good idea of how these outbursts  happen so it possible to predict exactly how bright they will a in this case however sometimes stramge happened the e fell shot  of expeections becoming failebuthed supernova after the debros cleared the researches saw not only that the star was still there but that it was shining more brighly thana before. the galaxy  where the star exploded  natur tried to strike this star down but  it came back more powerful than we cold have  explained Andy Howell from  the university of claifornia at Santa  Barbara who  worked on the study astronomers  have seen failed supernovas before but they've  never never seen  a surviving  star behave like this the researchers believe the explosion may not have been powerful   enough comlpetely  blast away the star's outer  layers of gas instead some  of the  gas  may have fallen back star's core and heated up creating a zombie star's that  shines more brightly if that's correct the star should pull the gas back into itself and gradually decrease in brightness.  an ilustaration of a supernova wow a supernova release as much energy  in a few day weeks as the sun will during the entire 10 billion years it expected to exist. from called book the week jonior.

Monday, August 22, 2022

fun pome

 from far from eve and morning 
from yon twelve winded sky
the stuff of life to knit me 
blwe hither here am i 

Now fro a braech  i tary 
nor yet disperse apart 
thake my  hand quick and tell
what hare  you in your heart 

speek now and will answer 
how shall i help you say 
ere to the wind twelve quarters 
i tak my edges way 

from tedtalk 

Monday, August 15, 2022


 on zoom with my friend at school to see Lincoln  highway. 

Friday, August 12, 2022

fun brain

 this free website  offers dozens of fun educational games kids up to eighth grade choose from classic games such as chess or original game like mighty guy in which you have to make a stick figure jump over obstacles the site also features a math zone shot animated videos and  more. from called book the week   junior.

Monday, August 1, 2022

apollo program

 The Apollo  program landed a dozen astronauts on the moon between July 1969 and December  1972. The first four flights tested the equipment used  in the Apollo program . six  of  the other seven fights landed  on the  moon. project Apollo's goals went beyond landing Americans on the moon and returning them safely to earth. they included  establishing the technology to meet other national interests in space. achieving preeminence in space for  the United States  carrying out a program of scientific exploration of the  moon Developing  human capability  to work in the lunar environment. from called is playing cards back. 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...