a star in distant galaxy survied the explosion that should have killed it according to new ; in 2021 astronomers (scientists who sutudy stars and space ) spotted the star turning into a Tye la supeermove an enormous explosion that make the end for many stars scientists have a good idea of how these outbursts happen so it possible to predict exactly how bright they will a in this case however sometimes stramge happened the e fell shot of expeections becoming failebuthed supernova after the debros cleared the researches saw not only that the star was still there but that it was shining more brighly thana before. the galaxy where the star exploded natur tried to strike this star down but it came back more powerful than we cold have explained Andy Howell from the university of claifornia at Santa Barbara who worked on the study astronomers have seen failed supernovas before but they've never never seen a surviving star behave like this the researchers believe the explosion may not have been powerful enough comlpetely blast away the star's outer layers of gas instead some of the gas may have fallen back star's core and heated up creating a zombie star's that shines more brightly if that's correct the star should pull the gas back into itself and gradually decrease in brightness. an ilustaration of a supernova wow a supernova release as much energy in a few day weeks as the sun will during the entire 10 billion years it expected to exist. from called book the week jonior.
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