Wednesday, May 25, 2022

for poem

 I zoom with my friend at art journaling  a poem 

The toast of sprinkle 
bright and sweet 
and  crunch and do 
eat with people.

Monday, May 23, 2022

watch out for space junk

 our friend chloe H. asked us how many times could you  fly around the world in a spaceship in one day. It turms out its a lot satellite the floating pieces of metal that sand phone called  and videos to us fly at 17,000 miles and hour. So they fly around earth  in just an hour and  hour  and a half. But at heese speeds we have a new problem space junk. some of these satellites don't  work anymore but there is no way to bring them back down. There are also floating  leftover pieces from rocket boosters tools dropped during astronanut walks and so on. Nowthese things are starting to crash into each other If you'er up there doing a space walk grabb some garbage to help us clean up. If you have 4 pieces of space junk and 1 of them breaks  in half how  many pieces do you have now. 5 pieces. If you've made 9 trips around earth so far today what number is your next trip. The  10th.  How  many more tips after that can you make today it you can make 16 trips in total. 6 more trips. If you start your orbit at 3:30 pm and the trips takes 1/12 hours at what time will you finish at 5:00 pm. If there are 40 pieces of space junk in your 16 trips today you scoop up 3 pieces  can you catch them all. yes you'll be able to catch 48  pieces. if you start orbiting earth today(May 24)and make 16 junk collecting trips each day on what date will you make your 100th orbit. On may 30 you finish 16 trips today and another 80 trips 5 days atter  today which is May 29 that brings  you to 96 trips so the 100th trips happens on May 30.  from called book bedtime math.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

mysterie of science

major podcast platforms this  intriguing series come from the  week junior science and nature magazine published in the uk  in each episode staff members chat with scientist and other 
experts to learn about a different unexplained phenomenon. They discuss topics like whether aliens or dragons could actually exist mysteries of science. from called book the week junior.


Tuesday, May 10, 2022

sun bear rescue

 How kind caretakers helped an orphaned cub return to the wild These bears are named for the golden or white rising sun patch on their chests which experts think might help the bears seem bigger than they are. a there month old sun bear huddles alone in metal cage. A few days ago poachers snatched the cub from the wild and brought her to a town in malaysia and island country in Southeast Asia  where she was sold as a pet which is illegal. Now the orphan is stressed and hungry.If she stays in the cage she may not survive. bear aid That's when caretakers from the bornean sun bear conservation  centre step in They give the cub name Natalie and thake her in giving her a special milk with extra protein pulls plenty of comfort and care. Whiten a few weeks Natalie grows stronong enough to head outside with a career. She climbs a tree. Soon she joins three other bears in an outdoor enclosure Together the bears' lounge play and learn to forage for their favorite treats of termites earthworms and honey.Wild again  after five years at the rescue center Natalie is ready to be released back into the wild. A theam of veterains give the hundred pound (45-kg) bear one last checkup before fitting her with where  a tracking collar so that they can watch wares she goes for the frist few months. Here rescuers  fly her by helicopter  in a crate to a proteceted wildife reserve where peole don't live. They use a long rope to open Natalies crate form afar. She bursts out into the woods finally a free bear again. scientist have spotted mother sun bears cradomg cub in their arms while their  arms while walking on their hind leg. Wong siew te feed Natalie a special milk to heal her gain weight.wong watches over Natalie like here mother would have in the wild. form called  book national geographic kids almanac.


Monday, May 9, 2022

5 awesome facts abouy medtitatetion

1.  mediation is  practice to train and quiet the mind.

2.  studies have found that after eight weeks of meditating  daily people experience neuroplasticity which means their brains physically change  so cool!

3.  meditation has been shown to lower physical pain anxiety and blood pressure as well as boost memory alertness and creativity. 

4.  meditation  is not about clearing or ridding your mind of thought in fact thoughts are a normal part of practicing meditation. As the doctor author and meditator Deepak  Chopra said meditation  is not a way of making your mind quiet. It is way of entering into the quiet that is already there buried  under the 50,000 thoughts the average person thinks every day. 

5.   meditation  isn't  a religious practice people  from all different walls of life meditate.

from called book national geographic almanac kids 

Saturday, May 7, 2022

town aims fro zero waste

The  vaillage of kamikatsu Japan may be tiny but it's making a big impact on the future of our plant. There the 1,500  resident aim  to  recycle eveyting they use from chopsticks to printer cartridges. In  fact, 80 percent of the town's waste is recycled or compost which is tour time the rate of country of Japan as whole.The peole of kamikatsu sort their trash into some 40 different recycling bigs set aside for items like aluminum  can steel cans paper cartons and paper ash  also get creative with their trash  like repurpossive old  kimonos into teddy bear whiile an 80 percent recycling rate is impressive  the citizens of kamikatsu don't want  to stop there They'er waste shortly. from called book almanac National geographic kids.    

Monday, May 2, 2022

when life gives you lemons

 a  bakery owner found a 9-inch lemon  weighing nearly a pound at a fruit and  vegetable stand in the UK Tammy  Warren bought the fruit for about $.6.50 and said it was larger then here baby head she used  it to make as many citrus  themed foods as she could including a lemon drizzle cake lemon cake pops lemon  syrup lemon marmalade  lemon curd and  fresh lemonade the seeds to plant more lemons. that a lot a lemon.  from called  book time weed junior.

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...