Monday, December 4, 2023

saving salamanders

 an effort is underway to help azolotit the smilling  salamanders from mexio whose numbers are dropping wildife experts  are asking peolpe to donate to virtually adopt an axolotl  neme it and help seve the spaces  a axolot. from  called the week junior.

Sunday, November 12, 2023



At the Anthem Veterans Memorial in Arizona, every year on 11/11, at exactly 11:11 in the morning, the sun shines exactly through the 5 ovals you see here. It lights up the United States Seal on the ground. With Earth traveling around the Sun on a tilt, this sculpture lines up only at this moment plus one moment in the spring, when Earth has the same tilt. The rectangles stand for the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard — so the sun can honor all our veterans today.

Wee ones: The holes in the pillars are “ellipses,” or ovals. How are ovals different from circles? Discuss!

Little kids: If the moment happens at about 11 am and you show up 3 hours early, at what time do you get there? Bonus: The shortest rectangle pillar stands 6 feet tall. If each pillar were exactly 3 feet taller than the one before it, how tall would the next two pillars be?

Big kids: If the heights of the pillars are all evenly spaced from each other between 6 and 17 feet, how tall is the middle pillar? Bonus: If the other day of the year that this happens is as many days before the start of fall (Sept. 23) as this day is after Sept. 23, on what other day does this sun show work? (Reminder if needed: 30 days hath September, April, June, and November…all the rest have 31, except February which has 28.) from called 

Friday, October 20, 2023

word day

 a situnautiom with  little order or control or unnecessary destruction  (noun) a quiet  city block in Philadelphia  turned into a scene of mayhem 2013 when a natural gas explosion caused a row house to collapse damaging two other in the process. from called book word of the day.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Carl Randall

 Carl Randall  is  a British figurative painter whose work is based on images of modern  Japan and more recently London.  Carl Randall captures the  energy and  heartbeats of London  of Tokyo through his crowded paintings each figure its own portrait of real pedestrian is his her respective city. To create the crwods that appear in Piccadilly clrcus Waterloo Bridge (mage below) i painted portraits  of about 125 London  residents directly  from life each site coming to my studio fro a 2-3 hour portal session (without use of photography. )Waterloo Bridge is partially inspired bo London,s diverse population. from  the computer .

Sunday, October 1, 2023


what  a hugs  a hedgehog has about 6,000 quills. 

from book called national geographic Kidds  

Friday, July 14, 2023


 Take care of your immediate environment  when you recycle pick up trash or make sure not to litter you're  actively protecting  the habitat of the animals that live around you including marine life. from called book national geographic kids almanac.

Saturday, July 8, 2023


look up from lunar eclipses to meteor showers which are often named after  a nearby star or constellation here are some of the major events dazzling the night sky in 2024. from called book national geographic kids almanac   


Friday, May 12, 2023

mental grounding techniques

 1.  mindfulness

2.  mediation 

3. objective 

4. using your five senses 

5. safe place or guided  mopery  

6. category focus 

7. reciting order 

8. use affirmative 

9. visualize your anxiety  

10. play mental games 

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


a newborn otters fur traps in so much  air that its imkpossible for the animal to sink. form called book notional  geographic  kids.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

big mouth

 Isaac Johnson has a big mouth  literally  The gap  between  Johnson's  upper and  lower middle teeth measures  4.01 inches the largest mouth  gape  ever that big enough to fit two small tangerines or ever a soda can one wider. from called National Geographic  kids 

Friday, February 3, 2023

wonderful or worrisome

 many exciting chemical discoveries have given us midd boggling  array of options each time we go to buy toothpaste a water bottle an apple  or any of thousands of other items. but  are all these products truly  wonderful. Do  any of the chemicals in them or on them harm people  or the environment  even  of harm wasn't  the intention. Before  looking more closely at these questions let's talk a little more about. where chemicals come from how  chemists refer to them and what happen to them in the environment join me for some chemical.  from called book the  chemical world footprint 

Saturday, January 28, 2023


 The seven  color of the visible specturm of light are always present in a rainbow red orange  yellow green  blue indidgo and violet. 
from called book the ultimate guide to alomost  everything 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

amazing facts about the iss

1. It  circles the earth every 90 minutes. 

2. It 's the brightest object in  our night sky with the exception of the  moon and Venus .

3.  astronaut can dock eight  spaceships at  it one time.

4.  more than 50 computers keep everything  humming along as it should.

5.  it  has  a mass of  925,335 pounds (419,725kg). 

6.  about eight miles (13km) of wire connects the Iss electrical system.

7.  There's an app that will  tell you where the Iss  is located at any moment. 

8.  It only takes about for hours to reach the ISS after blasting off .

9.  each  day takes about four hours to reach the ISS  travels  478,000 miles (769,200km) which is equal to a round  trip from earth  to the  moon.

10.  oxygen is generated on board  an electrical current that splits water molecules  into hydrogen and oxygen gas.

for call book the ultimate guide to almost everything 

Friday, January 20, 2023


 can people fish with bow and arrows yes  lt's  a sport  called aerial blowfish  fishermen  ride in fast moving boats and aim their  bows and arrows at fish that leap out the water. The  arrow is fastened to  a reel that is screwed onto the  side of the bow. from called the book the ultimate guide to almost everything .


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The  Kilauea volocano on Hawaii's big lsland erupted for  35 year . from called book national geographic kids 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...