Wednesday, September 4, 2024

blue ribbon baking

 a 7 year old makes the best pie in Texas Allen gage blueberry pie won first pirze the battle for the blue ribbons ath the Texas state fair  beating nearly  240 bakers of all ages and makeing him the  youngest person ever to qualify for the fair top cooking competition  in october  I was so happy he said sweet victory. form book called the week junior.




Wednesday, August 28, 2024

cave discovered the on moom

 scentists studying images  of  moon surface spotted a cace with could one  day be used as a base by  astronauts  the  team of researchers aot university of  trento in Italy  were studying data from the lunar recibbaussabce orbiter lro a spacecraft  operated by nasa the us space  agency the  cave  is located in large flat aree on the moon called the sea of tranquility which is where nasa astronauts first  landed in 1969 its opening  about 148 feet  wide between 98 and 262 feet  long it cold between  426 and  558  feet deep  and is most  likely  one of many caves on the moon. further research into  the cave culd  help h moon  structure and  history in theory it could also a be good place to set up  a lunar base because it would protect astronauts from extreme temperatures and shidled from the sun rays. from called book the weed junior. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

the week is history

 July  30 1729  batimore Maryland  is established   on  July  30 1729 the Maryland  general  assembly passed  a bill  calling  for a town  to  be built  on the  north  side of the patapsco river  ut was to  be named after  lord baltimor who  had  established the colony of maryland  in 1632 baltime a busy shipping port make it one of largest us cities  for nearly  200  year today it is the  30th largest us city with a population  of more  than  565,000. from called book the week junior 

Friday, July 19, 2024

castlebulists in cave

 Castlebuilt in cave This  might  be coolest  house ever  predjama castle in Slovenia  ciybtry in central Eurpe  holds the record for the world largest cave castles built halfway  up 400 foot tall cliff  the structure sits in an opening of the postjan cave system buts around  the 13th century the 115foot  tall castle houeses a chapel a prison a torture charmber and even a hidden passageway. from called book national geographic kids.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

plenty of penguins

 chester zoo  in the uk welcome 11 hummboit penguin  babies the most th hutch  there in one season in over 10 years the endangered bird  is native to peur chile it been a readliy good year for the penguins a zookeeper said one of the babies. form the week junior 

Friday, May 31, 2024

monster yo yo

 monster yo yo this toy's definitely too big for the backyard. beth johnson's whoa yo is the world's biggest wooden  yo-yo. The towering toy is nearly 12 feet  across and weighs 4'620 pounds about  the weight of there cows. You need a crane to lift wind and reiease the the whoa yo.  johnson is storing the toy for new but eventually hopes to sell it the buyer better have a hklunongous toy box. from called  national geographic kids 


Sunday, May 19, 2024

one handed backfilps

 one handed  backflips not  many  people can multiple back handsprings  but this man can completse 36 of them using just  one hand. Zana mofokeng hold  the record for most consecutive back handspring on one hand  he also records for back hadspring with alternating hands and interlocked hands. make  sense mofokengs been practicing gymnastics  since he was 10 years old. from called the book national geographic  kids.  

Friday, May 17, 2024

super fast trash can

 super fast trash can Quick catch that trash can. Andy  jenneing holds the record  for the fast est trash can whizzing down a street at 45 miles hour  added  a motorcycle engine  to an upright trash bin and installed a bike seat and steering handled from a scooter hope he can outrace any grabage truck following him. form called book national geographic kids. 

Friday, April 5, 2024

space Junk

 Trash is  everywhere on  land in the the sea even in  space There are 23,000 human make objects  four  inches (10cm) or larger orbithin each  and millions more smaller ones zipping around it too How did they get there. Stray saterlliters as soon  as people  started exploring space  they left  objects behind. This all stated 1957 when the first satelle sputnk i was launched some 10, 000 satellites have been launched into low orbit space since since then although momst of them are broken or have stopped working they'er still up there crurising at nearly 18,000 miles an hour 29,000 km (h) in constant orbit the  more cluttered low orbit space get the likely bits and pieces are going to crash into seatlliies or even  the international  space station (ISS) some people have proposed using a giant magnet to clean up junk. other suggest type of net to scoop  up the trash and bring into each,s atmosphere where it will burn up. waste in space but satellites aren,t the only items left behind. astronauts have left human make objects on the moon like exploration buggies golf ball and a photograph which are considered space junk. They have salso a accidentally dropped  trash into space when out on space walks inckydubg a camera  a spatula a glove and a prirs other human made objects have ventured beyond our solar system like the voyager 1 and voyager 2 probes launched in the 1970. It just goes to show that once person,s spcae junk is anther person. scientific  treasure. space  debris  can stay in orbit for more than 100 years before it slowly decay and burns up in the atmosphere. between 200 and 400 pieces of space junk enter eath,s atmosphere  each year. the nanoracks remove  debris satellite aims to address tge problem by capturing space junk orbiting earth. this debris shied was jettisoned from the iss. from called book national geographic kids space stuff.

Friday, March 29, 2024

extraordinary animals

 dog fetches ocean trash  boca raton florida u.s. a. lila the labrador jumps off her owner,s boat and dives into the  swawather. when she resurfaced she  has a glass bottle in mouth good dog. The  lab often joins her owner,s cleanup crew when  they pick up trash on local beaches and in the wather. I usually just say go get it Lila and she'll run off to pick up the trash  say owner Alex  Schulze who co founded a company called 4ocean that sells bracelet made of recycled  materials. Lila uwithsually collects a few pound of trash when they walk  the beach on the boat she barks to let schulze know that she sees  sometime before diving in as a puppy Lila loved  retrieving thing even swimmg to bottom of family pool to try to fetch the drain cover Scholze says to train her first he took a tennis ball in the pool and walked with iton deeper water to  get her comfortable. Eventually they played fetch and then he was catching toy way in the deep end. glass bottle my ears are popping lila dives for a glass bottle  on the seafloor. Lila swing  back to bats wiht a pice of trash. from called book national geographic kids almanac.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Save plants earth  acast apple podcast jame stewart a well known un broadcaster host this new show for kids that featurers chast with scientists about  change change  stwart  also answers questions from listeners and intoduces ideas that are being explored to tackle global warming inducing  one involving  dolphin poop.  from called book the week junior.


blue ribbon baking

 a 7 year old makes the best pie in Texas Allen gage blueberry pie won first pirze the battle for the blue ribbons ath the Texas state fair ...