Sunday, January 28, 2018

fastest monowheel

On sep 2015 driver kevin  scott  (pictured) and  the uk monowheel Team( all uk) achieved  a speed of 98.464 km /h (61.182 mph)  with. Warhorse  a monoweel  motorcycle  at elvingtion  airfield in north yorkshire  uk  sctott broke the  previous  speed  record  for  singleweel  mottling  - 91.7km/h (57 mph)  set by kerry  mclean (usa)  at lrwindele  speeedway  in california usa  on jan 2001 . The  team spent two years building  warhorse which incudes  a carbon fibre frame and custom make parts but the result more then justified all that effort. The other members of the  recordbreaking team   included peter orton  peter kay and tim mann one major challenge  tp monoweel  riders is avoiding a gerbil incident in which the driver accidentally  loop around  with the outer weel  instead of  remaining seated at  the base happily  kevin  achieved  the record speed without gerbilizing. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

the electric freshwater elephant

where else would you find an elephant fish but in the freshwater of africa  like their namesakes they  have long trunkline  noses and and  are considered highly intelligent  scientists  are fascinated  by these strange fish because they  generate  electric fields that appear to help other fish find their way through murky water.

Monday, January 22, 2018


For hours I would create imaginary  storyline filled with characters  i could play. I would  draw for hours until i was satisfied  It also helped keep me out of trouble  I am not the best artist  in the world  but  I  control  the way the character look I make  the choices of the clothes they wear I  decide whether they are good  or bad and the makes me happy . It my choice Drawing taught me patience  peace and tranquillity  I knew then that I found my alternate way to  deal  with my rage frustration  and anger.I  had a few more turning  points in my  life  I life I was in a middle school gang jomping members in and skipping most of my middle school classes. Soon  I realized I dint want  to live that lifestyle  for one of  the gang members burglarized  our home I was ready to bring my own justice if I  found out who did it . I didnt  find out who it was until  a few years later when  I had quit my gang lifestyle of violence and revenge I chose to forgive him and forgive myself A sigh of relief flowed  from my breath that day when I made the choice to move on.

Thursday, January 18, 2018

sliced noodles

in august 2016,at the annual shanxi wheaten food festival more  than 100 cook sliced noodles into  a massive boiling cauldron with a diameter of 22ft (6.7) ! The  feat was and awesome  sight to behold  as each chef stood in front of the huge pot and shaved off bits of dough into the water. knife shaved noodles  are kind of shanksxi  province china so the event attracted  hundreds of spectators hoping to get a taste here a cook uses a 3.5-ft long (1.07-m) broadsword to slice noodles.  

Thursday, January 11, 2018

amazing artist

believe it or not zuly sanguino  of bogota coldmbia plant  by holding  the brush with her mouth zuly was   born with tetra amelia  syndrome a very rare disorder  characterized  by the absence of all four limbs.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

check mates

It though  enough to play chess without adding obstacles to the game in blindfold chess the play have to keep track of each move in their minds . simultaneous chess one player walks  from board to board playing multiple  game  against different  opponents   and when the two types  of chess are combined only  a genius can move steadily toward checkmate and win the match. 


 in the town of monowi Nebraska  was a  one woman show elsie elder was  the mayor town clerk and rhe only resident monwi I'm the  talk o...