Sunday, January 28, 2018

fastest monowheel

On sep 2015 driver kevin  scott  (pictured) and  the uk monowheel Team( all uk) achieved  a speed of 98.464 km /h (61.182 mph)  with. Warhorse  a monoweel  motorcycle  at elvingtion  airfield in north yorkshire  uk  sctott broke the  previous  speed  record  for  singleweel  mottling  - 91.7km/h (57 mph)  set by kerry  mclean (usa)  at lrwindele  speeedway  in california usa  on jan 2001 . The  team spent two years building  warhorse which incudes  a carbon fibre frame and custom make parts but the result more then justified all that effort. The other members of the  recordbreaking team   included peter orton  peter kay and tim mann one major challenge  tp monoweel  riders is avoiding a gerbil incident in which the driver accidentally  loop around  with the outer weel  instead of  remaining seated at  the base happily  kevin  achieved  the record speed without gerbilizing. 

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