Monday, February 26, 2018

abuzz about math

A bee may not be able to solve for x but  the busy insect can solve a complex math problem. researchers observed that when bess have to figure out  the shortest routes from one flower  to another  they do it instantly  in fact they do it faster than  a supercomputer which might take  several day to all possible  calculations .

Friday, February 23, 2018

wild mind

you assume  what someone else is thinking or feeling based on your own not theirs.  you think control and power over your  life is external or outside  of you  or internal where you take responsibility for everyone else life. you make even the smallest  challenges into huge disasters you don't trust your ability to handle adversity. you think every  event comversation  and action a  reflection  of  your worth. you believe that what you feel  must be the truth if you feel stupid and boring. if you feel gulty then you must have done something wong. you hold other people  responside for your pain or take blame youseflt for every problem. you think you're  never good enough  smart enough capable enough. although autopilot  can serve us well sometimes we engage in related patterns of thinking that don't  serve us well this is when we feel like our thoughts  have hijaked our  common  sense and left us feeling totally out of control. we like to call this wild mind. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

sea lions

sea lion are a kind of seal like seals they swim  in the ocean they also eat fish like other seals do sea lion are a kind of seal  sea lions are a little different  from sea lions have ear flaps sea lion also  have bigger flippers than seals do they can move they  can move their flippers to the front of the bodies  this helps them move better on land sea lion are a little  different from seals lions are a bit like dogs they make a noise that sounds like a bark their babies are called pups sea lion are very smart they can learn to do tricks they can learn to catch and throw a ball they can learn to run up a ladder sea lions are very smart.  

Monday, February 19, 2018


by combing  tandem paraglding and the ancieny   art of falconry you  get paraphawking  the opportunity to  soar  with  Egyptian vultures  paragliding   strapped with a funny pack full of meat fly allngside these trained  braids of  prey  passengers place small morsels of meat onto their gloved hand when a whistle is blown the vulture lands on the passenger arm quickly snatching the snack adam giber captured  this action mid flight in pokhare nepal currently the only place the world offer this daredevil sport.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


invented in 1930 by englisham  dr j a curves the dynasphere  was a single motorized wheel meant to recvlutonize  transportation . Also nicknamed   jumbo the dynasphere  was just  one monoweel  designed  in the early 19000s that never look off due their inherent  danger and impcaraciliy . The  dynasphere  was reported to reach  speed of 30 mph (48kmph) however  it  was  nearly impossible steer and braking too fast put  the passengers at risk of gerbiling  Geriling  happens when the other  weeel stop but inner week  continues to spin sending  the drive into uncontrollable loops inside the dynasphere just like gerbil going too fast on hamster wheel. 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...