Sunday, February 11, 2018

The eye of the storm

probably  the  scariest thing about being human is living  in world with things over which we seen to have no power sickness natural  disastaters the  end of life. Even day struggles can  be intense and sometimes outside of our own control like other people choices and attitudees.  Althouth   can't  alawys  control the  outside we  do have some control  over the inside How we respond  to our circumstances. The degree to which pain  and struggle  affect us is mainly up to us more than most of us realize. life can seem like a tornado it  unpredictable  turbulent  but we can still find place of stillness in the center of the storm  even if everyone and everything around us  is caught up  in the chaos we can choose where we want to hang out. I have no real friends my friend ignored me I'm  such a liar excuses for my teacher late for school woke up late choose to get swept up into the twister and have our emotions escalate out of control  or find a calm center in the of the storm . Eye of the storm hey I'm  human  she must be having a bad day I,ll  give her a call later.

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