Saturday, June 30, 2018

largest tin of caviar

on 28 2016 amstur caviar  of duda (uae) unveiled  a tin of caviar  weighing 17.82 kg (39bl 4.58) at doable,s burj alarm jumeirah  hote. named The mashenomak  after a spirt monster fish of native american legend the entire tin of emrpress  organic caviar was devoured  by the hotel guests  who ate from specially engraved mother of pear spoons.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

most traffic comes balanced on the comes

Despite a sleepless night owing to excitement keisuke Yokota (jpn) balanced 26 traffic cones on his chin it his garden in shlbuya  Tokyo  Janap in order to hone his cons skill  yokota p ractiese for 2-3hr ever day.He say that the secret  to  his  success is having a strong core as the 26 cones weigh more than a bicycle  yokota  beat his previous record of 22 cones. set at alias park fee in lwaki, japan on 90 oct 2016. The event was held in aid of the disaster - stricken region of fukushima. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

most people performing squats

fitness guru kayla  ltsines (Aus) marked gwr day  leading  suquersized  exercise class  in melbourne australia. a total of 2,201people performed squats.smashing the previous best of 665. It was one of five mass participation  records set at kayla,s camp  along with most people performing lunges (2,201) star jumps (2,192). sit ups (2,005) running on the spot (2,195).

latest rubies cube

lifelong puzzle fan tony fisher (uk) has created a rubik,s cube with size  1.57 (5.ft 1.8in) long  as confirmed in loswich  in ipswich suffolk uk on ape 2016  it took tony tow months to build this fuly  functional cube at his home visitors have  come from as far afield  as japan to see his  super  sized vlivelong puzzle fan tony fisher (uk) has created a rubik,s cube with size  1.57 (5.ft 1.8in) long  as confirmed in loswich  in ipswich suffolk uk on ape 2016  it took tony tow months to build this full  functional cube at his home visitors have  come from as far afield  as japan to see his  super  sized puzzle tony make tiny cubes too see rightsee right. see right. 

smallest rubik,s cube

A mere 5.6mm (0.22in) wide  this minuscule cube was created by  tony fisher (UK). But despite its diminutive size. it can be operated like  a normal  Rubilk,s  cube  albeit with a the  use of tweezers. The cube which can easily  be balanced on a fingertip  -was produced from  frost plastic using a muit jet modeling 3d printer.

Monday, June 25, 2018

into the bush

If you were living hundreds of thousands of year ago you might have woken  up each morning in a cave. Breakfast would  be  the roasted leg of wild bird you  had hunted the day before. When your belly is full you look down at the bone in your hand. What could you  use if for? should  you tie your hair around it to keep loose strands out of your face? Or should you dip the bone in ash and use it to draw pictures on the wall. Then again maybe it could be pice for a new game to play with other kids. Just as  imagining the rales  of your  new  game  your mother grunts at  you. It time to feed the fire pick the bugs out of your little brother's hair find some berries for lunch. you toss the bone into the into bush until later. If you forget about it nature will turn it into soil again (more about the that in chapter  tow.) but chances are you 'll  remember . stores haven't  been invented yet and if you and if you want a hair clip  a pencil  or a toy you've got to make if yourself.


Friday, June 22, 2018

pile of old stones

1n 1915 sir cecil  chubb  bought stonehenge on a whim at auction  some say as a gift for his wife he game the monument to bruitin  three years later.  


 in the town of monowi Nebraska  was a  one woman show elsie elder was  the mayor town clerk and rhe only resident monwi I'm the  talk o...