Friday, July 27, 2018

lagogest covered wagon

 At  40 ft (12.2m) long 12ft (3.65m) wide and 25ft (7.6m) tall scaled up covered wagon was hand built from llinois  oak and steel by  david bentley (usa) in 2001. six year later the abraham lincoln tourism bureau of logan county  llionois bought the wagon for $10,000 (&6,147)and moved it form outside bentley  home inpawneee  llinois to route 66 in lincoln  llinois a 12 ft (3.6) fibreglass  aibaham  london  sits on the seat in the picture above he is joined by tina rusk from the local counclls marketing department.  

Thursday, July 26, 2018

food webs

sunning  provides  energy to food web by sustaining plants hawk fox duck rabbit lettuce  slugs bacteria and microbes consume other prats of the food wed creating nutrients that are recycled into the web. munch chomp gulp slurp finding food and avoiding being eaten major jobs for creatures in the ocean just as they are  on land. Some of these creatures are predators that hunt and eat other animals. The animals they hunt are called  prey. Some  creatures eat only plant and plantlike organisrms  and some living some things are primary  producers organisms that make food using energy from sunlight or chemicals . On land for example a lettuce plant is a primary producer. It use energy from sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide into food. Its leaves grow  larger .  One day a rabbit  eats the leaves. The energy and  nutrients in the lettuce bart of the rabbit. The energy and  nutrients in  the rabbit become prat of the hawk. All  together  the lettuce and hawk from a series of links of link called a food chain. Add slugs that eat lettuce a duck that eats slugs and a fox  that eats rabbit  and ducks and you've  go a food wed a lot of food chins linked together. Food  web also include bacteria  and there microscopic organisms that brack down dead organisms  and waste material turning  them into chemicals that will be used as nutrients by other living  things. in the same way ocean organisms are joined together in food webs. The producers in the ocean are organisms to make food such as seagrass and  seaweed. Animals large and small  eat the producers and many of them become meals for predators. Here is an example of some of the organisms that make up an ocean food web.shark  stingray seastaar  mussels phytoplankton  shrimp zooplankton  fish sea turtle sun.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

first confirmed gladiator graveyard

In 1993,a team from the university of Vienna in Austria who were working at Ephesus in turkey found a 20-m2 (215.28- sq- ft) area filled with human bones and tomb reliefs depicting gladiators. Sixty- eight individuals were identified  all bering trauma  wounds consistent with  a career  in the arena. Analysis proved the injuries matched the types of weapons used by gladiators and their manner of fighting.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

largest nerf gun

 The power to fire the dart comes from a 3,000-bl per sq in (psi) paintball tank inside the gun. Mark Rober(usa) constructed a 6- ft -long(1.82m) nerf gun as verified in Sunnyvale California USA on 22 jun 2016. He created scaled up foam darts from pool noodies (foam flaots ) and sink plungers which are ejected at a speed around 40 mph (64,3km-h).

Monday, July 23, 2018

Jeopardy game

I have fun play with my friend at school  play  on 4 word ,aggressive passive  passive aggressive assertive  on Jeopardy   have fun play with my friend at school  play  10 point .game. 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...