Wednesday, January 30, 2019

volcano bath

The thermal bath near lake Rotomahana . New Zealand were rate natural phenomenon know  to some as the eight  wonder of  the world. In the 1880s these men  were photographed there in the  shadow of an active volcano taking dip in one of the large natural mineral basins  filled with warm spring water. These were formed form the mineral slica as water from boiling hot geysers cooled. The pink whiter Terraces as they were  known  were popular tourist attraction until when nearby mount Tarawera erupted killing more than a hummer local people  and destroying the terraces. from called a book  ripley  believe  it on not.

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blue ribbon baking

 a 7 year old makes the best pie in Texas Allen gage blueberry pie won first pirze the battle for the blue ribbons ath the Texas state fair ...