Tuesday, March 31, 2020

is there a flag on the moon

I wonder how a rocket works 
and how it feels  in space. 
but most of all i wonder 
if the fag is still in place.

more than thirty years have passed
since that flag pierced lunar soil.
did the cold nights freeze it solid 
did the hot day make it broil. 

why isn't  there a telescope 
to see with my own eyes
if fifty stars and stripes 
still stand in lunar skies 

from called pentrest 


see you later  alligator after a while crocodile  gotta go Buffalo. 

see  you soon  raccoon be sweet parakeet  take care polar bear. 

in a shake garter  snake hit road happy toad can't  stay blue  jay bye bye butterfly.

give me a hug ladybug  toodle loo kangaroo time to scoot little newt tim then penguin. 

a dios hippos hast maƱana   i  guama gave  kiss  go ldfihs get in line porcupine.

out  the  door dinosaur on  the bus octopus to your house quiet  mouse.

from called pinterest 

Monday, March 30, 2020

my sense

I can hear  the bride sing The dogs the cat miaos I  can hear the  phone ring I can hear you.

I can see the grass grow the bright stars the yellow moon  I can see the white snow I can see you.

I can smell the roast meat The  fresh bread the pretty  flowers  I cancel your dirty feet  I can smell you. 

The can touch the soft grass the cold  ice the wet  rain  I can though  the smooth glass I can  touch you. 

I can  taste the crispy apple  the chocolate bar the cram cake  I can taste the fresh pineapple I can taste you.  

Sunday, March 29, 2020

10 way to calm down

1. breathe in and out slowly  10 times.

2. Squeeze a stress ball. 

3.  That a break and get drink of water . 

4.  talk  to  a grown  up. 

5.  Hug someone .

6. Draw a picture about it 

7. write  about your feeling. 

8. do some stretches 

9.  Think of something  happy 

10. read a magazine or book 

11.  draw a color book do it.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

the artist

lady nature is an artist with an eye for pretty pictures she paints the sky most wonderfully and how I love here color mixtures. If could have a dress of blue just like bright nature paints the sky there isn't  another thing in the world for which i know I'd ever sigh. but yes If  i had slippers make the flaming red of the setting sun I'd dance and dance for hours and hours until the day was closed and done and oh If  i could have a rainbow as a sash upon my dress i'd feel so grand that never again would i wear plaid or anytime less.from called computer 

Friday, March 27, 2020

florida manatee

The  manatee  calf flips and tumbles beside her mother in the clear warm water of blue spring state. park near  orange  city. Florida  Tourists snap phots from  platform nearby. conservationists are excited  to see the mother  manatee  named Annie with here newborn called  Naui (now  ee) Just  a few decades ago as few as 14 manatees swam through these freshwater springs and scientists worried that these marine mammal might disappear from flood forever. locals take action to make sure these marine mammals are on the rise. manatee  emergency before European settlers  arrived in the United  States up to 10,000 manatees lived off the coast of Florida But the  settlers hunted the slow moving animals for  their meat and feat which they used for lamp oil until only a few hundred were left. By the mid 20th century the hunting had stopped bot the remaining manatees  faced new threats. These mammals often glide near the ocean's surface to breath  directly  in the path of  boats. Each decade brought more people and their boat to Florida life danger out for manatees. Those people crated other dangers as well mentees don't  have blubber like seals and walruses so they can't survive long temperatures. below 68/f. But  the  natural warm spring where manatees spent  winters resting and raising their young were also popular  hangout for people.Too  frighted of humans to enter the spring from chillier waters many manatees died. These gentle animals desperately needed help says biologist Patrick Rose director of the  save the manatee club. On the mend  a manatee calf stays close to it's mother in crystal rive Florida. scientists nominated the species to be in the first group of animals protected by the endangered species act 1973, which gives government  agencies in the united states the power to protect endangered animals habitat and make it illegal to kill or  harass  certain species. Tow year later a group of kids campaigned to make the manatee Florida state marine mammal which helped spread  the word about them. Over  the next  decades Florida officials worded with local governments to create protected spaces for manatee called sanctuaries. people aren't allowed to swim boat or fish in these areas giving manatees a safe place to rest. just outside the sanctuaries they created slow speed zone for boaters which helps reduce the number of mandates injured by boat. The save the manatee club also  gave  away go slow. banners that boaters cold hold up  if someone  spotted a mandate  outside of a protected zone. Every  manatee matters for the survival  of the species rose say. manatees forever In 2019 experts reported that some 7,000 are living along the  Florida coast far more than the number living there during  the mid 20th century. The hard work done to protect mantis and their  habitat  worked but comer vationists know they aren't  done. The  population's recovering but threats to these manatees certainly still exist says Ron Mezich a biologist  with the Florida fish wild life conservation. Today more than 700 mana tees including Annie and naui spend the winter in blue  spring state park visitors can observe the  pair from a dock and conservations keep  watch one all the park manatees. Hope fully Naui is sign the other mentees will survive  in Florida for year to come . Akayaker holds up  sing to warn others to keep clear of the manatee below. manatees only breathe through their  nostrils when resting mantees can stay underwater for up to 20 minutes. from called national geographic kids 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

largest hula hoop spun Female

getti Kehayaova (usa) rotated a 5.18-m  diameter (17-ft) hula hoop around herself in Las Vegas Nevada USA on 2 nov 2018. She trained every day for a full yaear in preparation for attempt  and had the bruises on her  body and arms to prove it. Even time the weighty hoop sun art ound here  body. It  felt like a punch up against your ribs. Getti  explained . on the day itself here first attempt failed (and in  the face by the hoop) But she persevere  and her  second attempt was gwr approved success The largest hula hoop spun overall is only fractionally larger at 5.40m (17 ft 8in ) on 19 Fed 2019 yuca yamada (Jpn) rotated it around himself in Yokohama  Kanazawa prefecture  japan. from called book Guinness world records 

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

earth day

help ups save animals together  calling  all planet protectors  help tern things around That  means you recycle  every you get. you sip through a reusable  straw instead of a single use plastic one. And  you harass your parents when they don't  do same thing all to help protect the earth and everything that lives on it. don't be sealy be hero but animals still need your help more than 30,000 species  are threatend with extinction and it's up to all of us to save them. can you lend a hand That's why to celebrate the 50th anniversary of  earth day national geographic and Disney are protecting  50 at risk animals. Just try saying this face. A few of them  are on this page turn the page to meet more. Then  go online to get more information about these critters tips on how to help them and even details about how your  family can donate money to protect endangered species. we can make a difference when we save together. This earth day check out  Disney channel  to see your favorite  stats  learn  about  protecting some of these 50 at risk animals at Disney's  animal kingdom get details on how to watch at  natgeokids.com savetogether . https://kids.nationalgeographic.com https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/savetogether/  from called book national geographic kids

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

explosion of diamonds

when a volcano blows up it gushes with glowing  red hot melted  rock called lava. It's hotter  than 1300 degrees  f so  it can melt just about  anything in it's  way. but one thing it can't   melt is diamond.   some cooled lava rock have  diamond inside  Them. now there aren't  a lot of diamond mixed in so you'd have sort through  about 250 full dump truck  of lave to find 1 cart  of diamond  (less than 1/100th of an ounce.) But  there are  specks of other materials inside lava too. If you ever buy lava rock for a grill put a rock in socks and hit it with a hammer to split it open (with a grown  up  help.)Here  at bedtime math we  smash 6 lave rock and found a chip  of  white quartz in 3 them. see if you find anything in yours. lava rocks for the grill are about  the size of your fist find 3 object in your room about that size item might include small stuffed animals toy balls or regular rocks from outside. If you smash 6 rocks and 1 has a diamond  in it how many don't  5 rock.  If  you buy of 10 lava rocks and count them as you crack them open  what's  the second to last number you say 9. If you're cracking open 40 lave rock of which 22 have a diamond and 27 have gold  inside them what's the smallest possible number of that have both  9 rock since only 18 of the  27 gold can have on diamond. If you can find one diamond in every 250 dump trucks of lava how many should you find in  1,000 trucks 4 diamonds since  you have 4 sets 250 truck. 


Monday, March 23, 2020

visiting emotions

where  is the emotions visiting is it inside your belly or close to your heart. is it heavy on your back or heavy on your back or in your mind way up far. How does the emotion look is it or is big short medum or tall does it shine or it cloudy  and dark what colors fill it if it has colors at all. How does the  emotion feel is it heavy or light  soft hard or fuzzy hat or is cold sharp smooth or bumpy is it a faint feeling  or does it take hdd How dose the emotion sound is it yelling laud or whispering  is it force confirmed or shy does it speak to you clearly or does its face quietly  fade by what is the emotion  saying you know deep  within is it telling you something new what message is delivering to brave and kind  you. from the computer 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

nature music

I love nature's  music and summer time songs in the forest her great singers gather  in throngs. The wind plays the harp and the bird take  the tune. The  bass part is sung by the man in the moon. Each one know  their  part to the  velvet last  letter  and even our  radio doesn't  sound any better. from book woojr. com 

Saturday, March 21, 2020


There is not a moment in which his voice fails to direct my thoughts guide my actions and lead my feet I am walking  steadily on towards  truth . 


 what part of you body has the moust bones lest here it for your hands and and feet. The  bones there are part of your  skeleston the fromen...