Saturday, March 7, 2020

from on fire

south America's  amazon  rainforest is home  about   on in 10 of  all species on earth  including  jaguars.But  in 2019, some  200,000 fries burned there the highest number since 2010 and more then Fan 80 percent increase form 2018. what caused fries. People  Mostly  set on purpose by loggers  cattle  ranchers and farmers trying to clean land several of the fires could  even be seen fro space. if the forests continue to burn at this rate animals that survive will eventually have to adapt  to new way of life. For example  a jaguar's fur camouflages  it among  the forest  trees. If too  many trees burn the cat will need to find another way to hide. Spider monkeys that eat fruit from the treetops will need to develop a different diet. And since much of the rainforest hasn't been fully explored species we didn't know existed might have already displayed from  the  planet forever.  It not too late to save rainforest animals says the wildlife  conservation society's Carlos Cesar Durigan. Recent fires have put Spotlights on the problem and encouraged people to take action. but we have to keep taking action. a white belled spider monkey climes trees climbs trees in the amazon rainforest  in Ecuador. you  can make a difference check out small you can do that will have a big impact for jaguars.  form called  book national geographic kids

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