Monday, August 24, 2020

nowhere's safe killer whales

 Orcas (killer whales) are daring  clever predators  who attack in the sea and on land. They are very resourceful and  can even snatch their dinner  from beaches. They throw themselves onto the shore in high tide and unbelievably manage to grab seal pups. Then with the catch in their mouth they use the waves to carry them back out to sea. lessons for lunch if you were a young  orca your mum would  have to teach you how to get lunch. Here  are an orca mother's top tips. whack a  group of fish with your strong tail to knock them out. swim under a seal them use your head to  flip it into the air. Hear your  jaws open wide and be ready to wolf it down. Try a hard  butt simply swim head first at your prey and smash into it  with your big strong head. killer waver  Orcas sometime hunt seals that are  resting on ice floes. one orca pokes its head above water to look for seals. The other  orcas  swim at and under the floe  creating awe that water  another orca is waiting to catch the seal. This lucky gentoo penguin  escaped from a pod of hungry orcas off the coast of Antarctica when it jumped onto a boat full of tourists it then  swam away but returned again later to escape the whales for a second time. awesome Orcas in 1978 a pod of orcas  was seen chasing  a young  blue  whale whale orcas kept biting  the blue whale which managed  to escape  but probably died of its injuries soon afterwards. a big group of orcas live in the Eastern  pacific  ocean. They are  unusual because the males live with their mothers all rehire  lives. we don't  know of any other  mammals that do this. Not all orcas are the same  scientists think think there  may be many different types of orca possibly up to four different specie. Orcas can see just as well out of water as they can underwater That useful for animal that hunts seals which often rest on ice. from called book  ripley whales  and dolphins believe it or not .  


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