Tuesday, June 29, 2021

are fish invisible

well on but they might as well be scientist just realized there are at least 10 time more fish  in the ocean than we  thought. The fish are hanging out  it the twilight zone of the ocean 500- 3,200 feet  below the waves . They come closer  to the surface to it night so scientists  used sonar sending a sound through the water and seeing if it bounces off fish to estimate how many fish there were. That when there started uncovering some very fishy numbers. if you're  counting fish and have counted up to 6 what number  do you say next. 7. If  you expected to find 5 fish and found 10 more then that how many fish did you  find 50 fish.  If a sonar ping travels 200 feet  from the ocean surface to the  floor bounce off the floor and comes  straight back up to the surface how many feet does it travel. 400 feet 200 down +200 up. if there 95 hinder fish for every 5 fish  you see and you see 15 fish how many hidden fish must there be 5 hidden fish 15 visible fish means there are 3 sets of 95 hidden fish  because 15/5= 3.  for called bedtime math 

Monday, June 28, 2021


 poetry is a type  of literature or artistic  writing that  attempts to  stir reads imagination  or emotion  the  poet does this  by carefully  choosing and arranging  language for  its meaning sound  and rhythm some pomes such  as nursery rhymes are simple  and humorous  poetry appears in a great many form and styles. from computer  

Saturday, June 26, 2021

the pome

the  sacred  syllable 
a chant from within and the silence is broken 
notice the  pineal gland has awoken 
releasing resistance 
to merge with existence 
we all become one when the Om has been  spoken 
from computer 

Thursday, June 24, 2021


 for sappho  
let my music be found wanting 
to yours as it must 
let me be found loving as you were 
let me find you 
extravagantly the  beautiful  
let me find you  and the song forever  
between us 
in these terrible times 
from  computer  

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Friday, June 18, 2021

Trischa zorn

blind from birth Zorn  is the  most celebrated athlete in history of  the Paralympic games a  series of international spotting  events similar to the Olympics that are for elite athletes with disabilities. She are for elite athletes with disabilities. She won 55 medals as a swimmer and inducted into the Paralympic  Hall of fame in 2021. from called junior scholastic. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Americans with disabilities act ensures that people with disabilities can thrive

 As  you  red thin about what changes have helped make the world better for people who have disabilities Judy Heunann know what it's like to grow  up in a world that wasn't  built for here. In 1949 when she was 18 months old she  contracted a disease called  polio which left here  paralyzed.  when Heumann's  mom tried to enroll her in kindergarten in New  York City the principal wouldn't  let her in calling  here wheelchair a fire hazard.  There years  later he-man was finally allow ed to attend school but  she and other  students with with disabilities wren  forced to learn in the basement  separate from other kids. As heunann got older it was difficult for  here  to go to the movies with her friends because theaters lacked wheelchair ramps. she  often had to be carried up friends because theaters  of  stairs. But  Heumann never  felt  ashamed of who she was and why should she. she knew it wasn't  people  with disabilities who needed  to change it was the world  around them. People  continually think that those of us with disabilities world  prefer not to have our disabilities Heumann  now 73 says It s important for  people  to see that  disability is a normal part of life Huemann  spent decades as and activities  in  the disability rights movement leading sit ins and other protests demand equality for people who have disabilities. That movement resulted in the signing of the Americans with disabilities act (ADA) on July 26 1990. The  law  makes it illegal to discriminate against people  because of their disabilities. I n also requires that places like schools grocery stores and theaters be make accessible for instance by installing  wheelchair ramps designate  patrick  spot and signs written in braille.  Today the ada is still considered one of the most impotent civil rights law in U.S. history for a long time people  with disabilities had little to on rights across the United Stated says Keri gary  she's a senior  director at the  Amaerican Association  of people  with disabilities. The  ADA is a big pice of legislation that  ensures that people with  disabilities  can thrive. The  ADA  allows people  with disabilities to bring services dogs to most public places including school. President gorge  H W bush sing the american  with disabilities act  into  law on July 26 1990.  from called junior scholastic. https://www.voanews.com/science-health/george-h-w-bush-signs-americans-disabilities-act-law-day-1990

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...