Friday, August 6, 2021

9 marvelous facts about mars

1. mars has 2 small moons.

2. a year mars lasts  nearly twice as long as one  on earth.

3.   the average temperature on mars is -81'f (-63'c) .

4.  you could jump 3 time  higher on mars than on earth. 

5. it takes 6 to 11months for a spacecraft  yo travel from earth to mars.

6.  by the 2040s, astronaut might visit mars. 

7. from mars's surface the sky is the  color of butterscotch.

8.  one volcano on  mars is about 3 times taller than mount Everest. 

9.  mars in nicknamed  the red plant because it covered in red dust.

10. form called book national geographic kids almanac

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