Wednesday, December 26, 2018

three perfect day

There is some dispute as to how playa del Carmen the metropolitan heart of the rjviiera maya just 40 miles south Cancun got its name. Some say it’s after Our lady of Carmel the title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary in her role as Patroness of the carmelites.But the more compelling story is the one told by locals.As legend has it in the 1970s and 8os when the  area first became a festoon tourists traveling by boat from neighboring  Cozumel would a disembark in playa then  known as a  Xaman ha on their way to the ruins of Tulum As local maya woman named Carmen would happily invite these travelers  into here modest home for a traditional meal of fresh caught seafood. she  may not have have had any  experience with  immaculate conception, but  when  it comes  to playa ,this carmen is definitely   a matron  saint. Today, here  spirit can  be felt throughout  the riviera  maya, which also  includes the village  of tulum, the ruins of coba, and  a number of small maya communities on  the  caribbean  side  of the yucatan   peninsula where , if you're lucky a woman not unlike carmen will happily invite you into her home for a meal.

Thursday, December 20, 2018


I went to church with friends  to see singing the carols with  friends and make stocking and balls for Christmas  decorate  to ball.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

sky hive

over 700 man -made beehives hang  4,000 ft (1.219m) above  sea  level on the side of a mountain in  china's  sgennibgjia nature reserve. These high  hives imitate the insects  natural habitat   creating a sanctuary  for the regions. Asuatuc  honeybees  a species that has  drastically diminished in recent years. To  get to each hive  beekeepers have to climb  on  top of each box  reach the next one.  from book ripples  believe it or not.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Highest life expectancy

According to  data  from the Central Intelligence  Agency's  World Factbook in 2016 citizens of Monaco  enjoy a life expectancy of 89.5 years. Japan was replaced at  the top of the list, its life expectancy of 85 years seeing  it fall to joint second place alongside Singapore . The  lowest  life expectancy is 50.2 years  in  the African Country of  Chad and Guinea- Bissau  (50.6) have life expectancy below 51 years.  
 From book Ripley's Believe It or Not 

Sunday, December 16, 2018


 A verb can make your  body move  hurrah hurrah it tells  what boys and girts can do hurrah  barrack  we jump we spin  we roll we fall  it  action verbs that move us all . if you need an action verbs are the words have  you heard.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

safest metallicelement

cesium is so reactive  it  ignites  on contact with air. It stored in glass tubes inside inert gas or in a vacuum to  keep it safe. white  a  Mohs value of just 0.2 cesium  (cs) is soft  enough to  be cut with a butter knife. It melts at just 28 C(82F )and exposes  violently  when dropped in water. ceasium  was discovered in 1860 by the german scientists  robert bunsen and gustav  kirchhoff who isolate it  from a sample of mineral water using the recently  devekioed  technique   of flame spectroscopy silvery -gold in color cesium's most notable us in super accurate atomic clocks.

from a book Guinness world records 2018 

an artistic penguin

 a northern  rockhopper has gone viral for the happy way she make art with her feet. Marley  who lives at an aquarium in taxas steps  in non...