Sunday, December 2, 2018


Elias blomdahl seven-year boy from kvelia  Norway extracted a loose tooth by tying one end of  a spice of string to it and other end to the hanebars of  a motocross bike.He then asked his older brother penning to rede past and when he did the tooth flew out. micheal  belvins  of Deltona florida did not realize  that he had accidentally shot himself in the arm while cleaning  his gun until he changed his long-sleeved shirt two days later and noticed the bullet's entry and exit wounds. actors alex bailey and kroot  Juurak travel around austria germany  and the  United kingdom putting on theatrical shows exclusively for pets.By crawling around on all fours and making nonhuman noises they to encourage the animals to participate in the performance. Although cat usually leave the room first . they always  return and make the best audiences. As oversized rubber duck that was mysteriously  stolen from outside Junnifer torino's  home in Hampton new Hampshir, in 2011 was returned to her in 2016, along with a suitcase full of mementos from the bath toy's adventures in 20 different  countries and numerous U.S. cities. during  Gale ducky's five-year absence her unknown adboctor posted pictures of her travels to europe Aidsi  on duky's own facebook  page. In smith falls ontario caada a 39-year old woman was charge with impersonating  her 73-year old mother so that she could take her driving test for her. The instructors suspicions were around by the young candidate strange wig glasses and clothes. chuck mccarthy  charges $7 per mil (1.6km) to walk people around the street of los angeles listening to their problems or simply making  conversation. The enterprise has prove so successful that he has hired five more people walkers to cover other areas of th city he originally  considered walking dogs to make money but didn't want to pick up dog poop. from about $65. over-stressed Jappnese  office workers can hire a handsome man to wipe away their  tears they can select  from sis such man from tokyo  based company  lkeymes danshli. You can stand it the middle of  earth inside a library in boston massachusets  The Mapparium at mary Baker Eddy library is three-story  staned glass globe with a 30-ft long (9.1-m) The bridge butlt in 1935 gives visitors a perspective impossible
 to recreate with flat maps  which are aenerally  inaccurate when it comes to the size and scale of landmasses. The continents on the mapparium  however are reproduced pwrfectly  to scale fun fact   The mapparium is a whispering gallery meaning tow people can whisper at opposite end of the bride and hear each other lound and clear.

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 what part of you body has the moust bones lest here it for your hands and and feet. The  bones there are part of your  skeleston the fromen...